Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.2008, Síða 188
Egg production of Calanus fmmarchicus - A
basin-scale study. Deep-Sea Research II, 54:2672-
Reports and papers of common interest
Fiskirannsóknarstovan 2007. Sjóvarmál, 64 pp.
Gaard, E. 2007. Plantuæti. Grundarlagið undir lívi-
num í sjónum. Atlantic review summer 2007:46-
Norði á, G. and Gaard, E. 2007. Umhvørviskanning
av Vatnsnesvatni 2006. Kanning gjørd fyri P/F
Hovsá 19. juni 2007. 26 pp. Fiskirannsóknarsto-
van 2007.
Olsen, B. 2007. Sjófuglurin í Minking. Frøði 13,1:10-
Reinert, J. 2007. Fundur í ráðgevandi nevndini
(ACFM) hjá Altjóða Havrannsóknarstovninum
(ICES) í mai/juni 2007. Stutt yvirlit yvir niður-
støðurog tilmæli viðvíkjandi fiskastovnunum av
áhuga fyri Føroyar - saman við nøkrum við-
merkingum/ískoytum. FRS Smárit 07/02. 24 pp.
Zachariassen, K. 2007. Litur á havtaskugørnum.
Royndir gjørdar við M/b Gudrun. FRS smárit
Zachariassen, K. 2007. Rist í svartkjaftatroli juni
2007. Frágreiðing frá túri við M/tr Finnur Fríða
og Atlantic Navigator. FRS smárit 07/02.
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya
University of the Faroe Islands
J.C. Svabosgøta 14, FO-700 Tórshavn
Phone: +298 35 25 00 ■ Fax: +298 35 25 07
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Scientific papers
Benet, A., Cortes, S. and Pedersen, H.P. 2007 Gender
in language contact: Evidence from Faroese-
Danish and Catalan-Spanish. Fróðskaparrit 55:
Christiansen, Ó. 2006. Opportunizing: A classic
grounded theory study on business and man-
agement. Grounded Theory Review: An Inter-
national Journal 6,1:109-133.
Christiansen, Ó. 2007. A simpler understanding of
classic GT and how it is a fundamentally differ-
ent methodology. Grounded Theory Review: An
International Journal 6,3: 39-61.
Christiansen, Ó. 2007. A simpler understanding of
classic GT: How it is a fundamentally different
methodology. In: Glaser, B. and HoltonJ. (eds).
The Crounded Theory Seminar Reader. Mill. Val-
ley, California: Sociology Press: 401-418.
Christiansen, Ó. 2007. Opportunzing: how compa-
nies create, identify, seize and exploit situations
to sustain their survival or growth. Ph:D. ritgerð
vard við Aalborg Universitet í November 2007.
Christiansen, Ó. 2008. The rationale for the use of
classic GT. Grounded Theory Review: An Inter-
national Journal 7,2:19-38.
Glaser, B. and Christiansen, Ó. 2007. Opportunizing.
In: Glaser, B. and Holton, J. (eds). The Grounded
Theory Seminar Reader. Mill. Valley, California:
Sociology Press: 219-223.
Jacobsen, E.S. 2007. Færøske forestillinger om køn.
Arbejde, helse og velfcerd i Vestnorden. Guðbjdrg
Linda Rafnsdóttir (ed.). Háskólaútgáfan og
Rannsóknastofa í Vinnuvernd, Reykjavík: 207-
Jacobsen, E.S. 2007. Tukthús, arbeiðshús og fátækra-
garður. Fróðskaparrit 55:12-28.
Joensen, H.P. 2006. Adaptation of the ECOSYS
model to local conditions in the Faroe Islands.
In: EcoDoses: Improving radioecological assess-
ment ofdoses to manfrom terrestrial ecosystems.
A status reportfor the NKS-B project 2005. Edited
by Sven R Nielsen and Kasper Andersen. Novem-
ber 2006.
Joensen, H.P., Jacobsen, B.K., Nguyen, K.D., Niclasen,
B.A., Simonsen, K. and Sørensen, D. 2007. High-
Power Computer Facilities at the Faculty of
Natural Sciences, University ofthe Faroe Islands.
NVDRit 2007: 09.
Magnussen, E. 2007. Interpopulation comparison of
growth patterns of 14 fish species on Faroe
Bank: are all fishes on the bank fast-growing?
Journal ofFish Biology 71: 453-475.
Niclasen, B.A. 2007. An Operational wave model for
the Faroe Shelf. PhD thesis, University of the
Faroe Islands, NVDRit 2006:11:1-128.