

Læknablaðið - 01.03.1964, Side 55

Læknablaðið - 01.03.1964, Side 55
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 29 upphaflega (primer) klasa- kokka-lungnabólgu fengu 19 eða 76% fylgikvilla (compli- cationir), og var fleiðruhols- ígerð algengust eða í 17 sjúkl- ingum. Af þessum 39 sjúklingum dóu 18 eða 46%. Hjá sex þess- ara barna kem i ljós við krufn- ingu, að þau höfðu haft ívlgi- kvilla, svo sem fleiðruhols- igei’ð með eða án lofts, og ætl- að var, að þessi börn hefði mátt lækna, hefði sjúkdómur- inn verið greindur i tíma og þau hlotið viðeigandi meðferð. 1 jan. liefti 1958 af Ugeskrift for læger er grein um klasa- kokka-Iungnabólgu hjá börn- um. Þar er lýst 13 tilfellum af klasakokka-lungnahólgu eða fleiðruholsígerð, og af þeim dóu þrjú börn (23%). Ellefu hörn voru innan eins árs og sjö voru innan fjögurra mánaða, og á þeim aldri voru þau þrjú, sem dóu. HEIMILDIR: 1. Disney o. fl.: Lancet ’56. 2. Oliver, Thomas K., JR., M. D., Smith, Blanca, M.D. og Clat- •worthy, H. William, JR., M.D.: Staphylococcal Pneumonia. Pleu- ral and Pulmonary Compli- cations: Pediatric Clinics oí North America, VOL. 6 — No. 4, 1959: 1043—1054. 3. Kringelbach, J. og Winge, J.: Ugeskrift for lœger 120: 143,1958. 4. Forbes, Gilbert B., Emerson, George L.: Staphylococcal Pneu- monia and Empyema; Pcdiatric Clinics of North America, Febru- ary 1957, 215—228. SUMMARY. Staphylococcus pneumonia among infants and young children is dis- cussed as well as the possible com- plications, such as pyothorax and pyopneumothorax. The higher in- cidence of tliis disease and especial- ly its complications among young children (before one year of age) in the antibiotic era is stressed. Statistics from U.S.A., England and Denmark are quoted supporting this statement. The authors report 7 young children with pyopneumothorax as complication of staphylococcal pneumonia from the pediatric de- partment of tlie State Hospital. Three of the children were within 6 months of age and ihe youngest one Was 3 weeks old, the oldest one 3 years. Closed suction drainage of the pleural cavity was necessary and adequate in 5 of the cases in ad- dition to antibiotics and oxygen. An emergency thoracotomy was nec- essary in one case with decor- tication of the lung, wedge resection of two fistulae and suture of the de- fects. T\yo of the case histories are discussed in details as well as the clinical pictures and treatment. There was no mortality in this series.



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