

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1964, Síða 73

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1964, Síða 73
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 93 Docent Matti Sulamaa, a pedi- atric. surgeon. The official jour- nal of the Association is en- titled „The Finnish Medical Journal“ (Suomen Láákári- lehti), which appears 3 times a montli in Finnish and (partly) Swedish. The articles appearing in the journal are accompanied hy a sliort summary in English. In character, tlie „Suomen Láá- kárileliti“ is more the organ of a professional body than a scientific puhlication. The publi- cation of material on medical science as sucli is taken care of bjr the medical science pro- per. The Finnish Medical Associa- tion greatly favours cooperation with the medical associations of otlier countries, feeling convin- ced that to maintain friendly relations with all foreign coun- tries is to the advantage of the Finnish medical profession. As well as maintaining internation- al relations by participating in the activities of the World Med- ical Association, the F.M.A. also engages in cooperation with the Scandinavian countries. In addition, the F.M.A. has repre- sentalive intercourse with the medical associations of Ger- many and Great Britain. The headquarters of the Finn- isli Medical Association is situat- ed in Helsinki, its address heing Ruoholahddnkatu 4. The Secre- tary General of the Association is Váinö Pensala, M.D. and the Assistant Secretary General Ta- pani Kosonen, M.D.; in addition to these, the Association has two legal secretaries and a secretary versed in jurisprudence, two of- fice secretaries one Finnish speaking and one Swedish speaking, an editorial secretary, a business manager and a number of female office per- sonnel. The annual memhership suh- scription to tlie Association is 120 marks (1 $ = 3,2 marks). This includes tlie cost of the an- nual subscription to the Journal of tlie Association.
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