

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1966, Qupperneq 74

Læknablaðið - 01.08.1966, Qupperneq 74
184 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ they do not over-sleep this development in medicine which, if not, soon stopped, could produce many unagreeable events. Another imposing fact is that in all 5 continents G. P.s have no academic ladder. If a medical student decides to become a specialist, an academic career up to Professorship and Nobelprize winner are al- ways open to him. However, if the same student becomes a G. P. the whole academic world is closed to him as soon as he has settled down to devoting his life to his patients. It is a common fact in all five continents that post-graduate in- struction of the specialists is always by specialists. The G. P.s on the other hand are the only group of doctors who up til now have not been taught by the colleagues of their own branch. One of the most striking facts also common to G. P.s in all 5 con- tinents is that the highest positions in the medical world are reserved for specialists, lecturers or professors. The G. P.s are still excluded from these high posts. Also a fact common to G. P.s all over the world is that research in medicine up til now is completely reserved for the specialists. The G. P.s are excluded from this sphere, but it is this branch of medicine that would probably help the Public just as well, or even more, than some of the other small sub-specialties, if this branch were scientifically researched. Another fact which is common to G. P.s in all 5 continents is that G. P.s are always on service day and night, weekends, Sundays and feast-days. Specialists in all 5 continents have their own labour division which reserves them leisure and holidays, and block free time spaces every day. The contingent medical services, the so-called comprehensive medical care, comprising all hours of the day and all medical events of the population is still laid on the shoulders of the G. P. in all 5 con- tinents. Concerning medical organizations, the G. P. in all 5 continents is still to a great extent guided by the specialists who are leading Boards of Medical Associations. Scientific organizations, of General Practice are few and if one looks through the index of scientific medical journals one sees at first sight that every specialty and every sub-specialty in every country of the world has its own scientific journal whilst the G. P.s have only begun to found their own scientific periodicals in a few countries. Thus, in conclusion of this section, we can state that the G. P. in all 5 continents is in the role of a secondary doctor. His social, scientific and inter-colleagial status is in many ways inferior to that of the specialist. PROBLEMS OF THE G. P. PECULIAR TO CERTAIN COUNTRIES. Canada: The G. P. in Canada is still a king in his own territory when he is alone or in a partnership practice away from the big cities. The Canadian G. P. in these areas always has undergone a thorough post-graduate education which enables him to apply all surgical and
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