Læknablaðið - 01.04.1969, Side 55
ingu meðal 254 íbúa Hvammstanga. Einungis 13% þeirra, sem
urðu kliniskt veikir, fengu fleiðrutak (pleurodynia). Börn yngri
en sex ára voru ótvírætt móttækilegri en eldri börn. Fáir fullorðnir
urðu klíniskt veikir, en þeir, sem sýktust, voru lengur veikir en
börnin. Greint er stuttlega frá sjö sjúklingum, sem fengu meiri
háttar fylgikvilla.
1. Óskar Þ. Þórðarson, Björn Sigurðsson, Halldór Grímsson: Isolation
of Coxsackie Virus from Patisnts with Epidemic Pleurodynia,
Journ. of the Am. Med. Ass., June 27, 1953, Vol. 152, pp 814—815.
2. Heatfield, K. et. al.: Coxackie Br, Infection in Essex 1965. Quat.
Journ. Med. 1967, Vol. XXXVI, 589.
3. Brown, G. C., og Evans, T. N.: Serologic Evidence of Coxsackie
Virus Etiology of Congenital Heart Disease, JAMA 1967, 199:185—
4. Snorri P. Snorrason o. fl.: Pericarditis constrictiva. Handrit.
5. Heilbrigðisskýrslur 1960 og 1964.
6. Brown, G. C. og Arbor, A.: Coxsackie Virus Infections and Heart
Disease, Am. Heart J., Febr. ’68, Vol. 75, No. 2, pp 145—146.
7. Cecil-Loeb: Textbook of Medicine.
8. Howard, S. J. og Maier, H. C.: Constrictive Pericarditis following
acute Coxsackie Viral Pericarditis. Am. Heart J., Feb. ’68, Vol.
75, No. 2, pp 247—250.
9. Robertson, R. og Arnold, C. R.: Constrictive Pericarditis with
Particular Reference to Etiology. Circulation, Vol. XXIV, Oct. ’62,
pp. 525—529.
A viral epidemic in Hvammstangi-district in January 1966 is de-
scribed. Virological investigations suggested that the epidemic was
due to Coxsackie Br, virus. A report is given on clinical features and
incidence in different age groups. 254 inhabitants in the village
Hvammstangi were examined and only 13% of those who were clinical-
ly ill had pleurodynia. Incidence was definitely higher in children
under 6 years of age than in older children. Only a few grown-ups
became ill but those who did had a longer course than the children.
A brief account is given on 7 patients who had serious complications.