

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1973, Síða 6

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1973, Síða 6
182 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ International Conjerence on Radioactive Isotopes in Clinical Medicine and Researcli (11), Badgastein, Austurríki, 8.-11. jan. 1974. Upplýsingar: Prof. Dr. H. Höfer, Head Nuclear Medicine Dept., 2. University Clinic A, 1090 Wien, Garnisongasse 13, Austria. International Academy of Proctology, Annu- al Congress (26), Montreux og Zurich, Sviss, 3.-17. maí 1974. Upplýsingar: Internationaí Academy of Proctology, 147-41 Sanford Ave., Flushing, N.Y. 11355. International Congress of the World Con- federation for Physicál Therapy (7), Montreal, 16.-22. júní 1974. Upplýsingar: World Con- federation for Physical Therapy, Brigray House 20/22, Mortimer Str., London Wl. World Congress of Intensive Care, London, 24.-27. júní 1974. Aðalritari: Dr. A. Gilston, National Heart Hospital, Westmoreland Str., London WIM 8 BA. International Congress of Applied Psycho- logy (18), Montreal, 26. júlí - 2. ágúst 1974. Aðalritari: Dr. G. Desautels, 195 Bloomfield, Outremont, Montreal. International Congress on Diseases of the Chest (12), London, 7.-13. júlí 1974. Upplýs- ingar: A. Soffer M.D., American College of Chest Physicians, 112 E. Chestnut Str., Chicago 60611. (T\ med kvedj u frá höfundi y/ RIT SEND LÆKNABLAÐINU Stefán Haraldsson: Extirpation of the trapezium for osteoarthritis of the first carpometacarpal joint. Acta Ortho- paedica Scandinavica 43:347-356. 1972. Stefán Haraldsson: Nýsköpun liða. Tímarit Hjúkrunarfélags íslands, 4. tbl. 1972. N. Alwall, Þ. Halldórsson, C. M. Kjell- strand, T. Lindholm, C. G. Ahlström: On corticosteroid and azathioprine treat- ment of glomerular renal diseases. Acta Med. Scand. 192:455-463. 1972. Ó. Bjarnason, V. Bjarnason, J. H. Ed- wards, S. Friðriksson, M. Magnússon, A. E. Mourant and D. Tills: The blood groups of Icelanders. Ann. Hum. Genet, London, 36:425. 1973. Þorkell Jóhannesson and William J. Steele: Actinomycin D and development of tolerance to morphine analgesia in rats. Acta pharmacol. et toxicol. 32:519- 524. 1973.
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