

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1973, Síða 22

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1973, Síða 22
194 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ TABLE 22 Condition of surviving patients treated conservatively, both sexes. present series, Working condition Cause of Aneurysm SAH Unknown Total Working normally 1 11 12 Only light work 0 2 2 Disability pension 0 7 7 Disability pension but able to do light work 0 2 2 Bedridden 1 1 2 Total 2 23 25 læknismeðferð. Eru þessar tölur mjög svipaðar og hjá Ask-Upmark og Ingvar,1 en betra en hjá Walton.i10 Hins vegar er þetta heldur verri árangur en hjá Pakar- inen,7 þegar miðað er við þá, sem fengu lyflæknismeðferð, en í hans rannsókn voru 70.5% í fullri vinnu og ekki nema 6.2% algjörir öryrkjar. ÞAKKARORÐ Höfundur þakkar hinum mörgu lækn- um, sem veitt hafa mikilvægar upplýs- ingar. Sérlega ber að þakka Ólafi Sigurðs- syni yfirlækni og Magnúsi Ásmundssyni sérfræðingi F.S.A. Prof. John Riishede, dr. med., yfirlækn- ir Neurokirurgisk afdeling Rigshospitalet, Kaupmannahöfn, hefur á undanförnum ár- um sýnt einstaka velvild með því að taka á móti sjúklingum frá íslandi til aðgerðar nánast fyrirvaralaust og standa íslenzk heilbrigðisyfirvöld í mikilli þakkarskuld við hann og hans starfsfólk. Ottó J. Björnsson cand. stat. sá um töl- fræðilega hlið þessarar rannsóknar, en bókaverðir í bókasafni Landspítalans hafa útvegað nauðsynleg heimildarrit og eru þeim færðar þakkir fyrir þá aðstoð. SUMMARY A survey of cerebro vascular haemorrhage in Iceland during the 11 year period 1958 to 1968 is reviewed. The etiology, clinical features, sex and age distribution and prognosis of primary SAH is discussed. The incidence in Iceland having been studied in a previous study. The methods were based on the diagnostie criteria of primary SAH as used by Pakarinen in his Helsinki survey. It should be emphasized that 55.0% of patients were seen by the author in the acute phase. This study includes 164 patients, 94 rnales and 70 females. Angiography was performed in 94 patients and 64 came to autopsy. Cerebral aneurysm was detected in 87 (53%), AVM’s in 9 (5.5%). No lesion was found in 66 (40.2%). In 37.2% were signs of a CNS lesion, 19.5% were deeply comatose when first examined and 31.0% gave a history of headache prior to the ictus. The incidence was highest between 40-59 years, there was no sex difference. 85 (51.8%) patients died from their bleeds. One hundred patients had one bleed only and 57 (57.0%) of those died, 27 (27.0%) within 24 hours, 35 (35.0%) during the first week and 40 (40.0%) within the first 3 weeks. 64 patients (39.0%) had more than one bleed, of these 37 (57.8%) died, 21 within three weeks. Of all those dying from primary SAH 70.2% died during the acute phase, that is within 12 weeks of the first bleed. 34 (53.1%) patients with repeated bleeds had aneurysms, in 23 (35.9%) no lesion could be detected. 70 patients were alive at the end of 1968, 50.0% were working full time, 25.7% were partially dis- abled and 18.6% totally disabled. 84 (51.2%) patients were treated conserva- tively and 64 (39.1%) were subjected to opera- tion. Operative mortality was 15.6%. The neurosurgical procedures were carried out at the Neurosurgical Department Rigshospitalet Copenhagen (Head of the Department Prof. J. Riishede).
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