

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1973, Qupperneq 83

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1973, Qupperneq 83
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION SWEDISH RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS In 1974 the Swedish National Association against Heart and Chest Diseases will again award three research scholarships tenahle for one year in Sweden. Two awards will be mr.de in cardiology and one in pneumo- logy. The World Health Organization has been asked to assist in selecting suitable candidates. The scholarships are open to non-Swedish cardio- logists and pneumologists under the age of 45 years. Each award is for 25000 Swcdish Crowns, which is to cover all ex- penses including travel. The recipient will be responsible for making all arrangements for his travel, reservation of accommodation, immuniza- ticns, passport and visas. The award of the grant does not carry any in- ourance for sickness or injury or death from accident. Applicants should produce evidence of ability in research in cardio- vascular or lung diseases and should propose a particular problem whicli they would like to study in Sweden. They should be able to understand and make themselves understood in Swedish, English or German. Repcrts of the work done during the grant period should be sub- mitted to WHO in triplicate, one after six months and one at the end of the study period. One copy will be sent to the Swedish National Associa- tion for Heart and Chest Diseases and a second to the Director of the responsible institution. Further reports should be submitted six months and two years after thc end of the grant period. Applications must be made on forms (WHO 379) available from: WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Avenue Appia 1211 Geneva — 27 Switzerland It is essential that adequate information be provided on the form to make possible the review of the application. Completed fomis must be received by WHO headquarters in Geneva before 28 February 1974. It will not be possible to consider applications received after tliis date.
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