

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1976, Síða 40

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1976, Síða 40
146 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ ation. Practical points in the management of patients on respirators are discussed. Finally some of the complications of respirator treat- ment are mentioned. HEIMILDIR 1. Ásmundsson, T., and Kilburn, K. H.: Survi- val of acute respiratory failure. Annáls of internál medicine 70:471, 1969. 2. Barber, G., Lee, J., and Hamilton, W.: Oxy- gen toxicity in man. A prospective study in patients with irreversible brain damage. New England journal of medicine 283:1478, 1970. 3. Bendixen, H. H., Hedley-Whyte, J., Laver, M. B.: Impaired oxygenation in surgical patients during general anesthesia with con- trolled ventilation. A concept of atelectasis. New England journál of medicine 269:991, 1963. 4. Cooper, J. D., and Grillo, H. C.: The evolu- tion of tracheal injury due to ventilatory assistance through cuffed tubes: a patho- logical study. Annáls of Surgery 169:344, 1969. 5. Cournand, A., Motley, H. L., Werko, L., and Richards D. W.: Physiologic studies of the effect of intermittent positive pressure breathing on cardiac output in man. Ameri- can journál of physiology 152:162, 1948. 6. Downes, J. J.: Mechanical ventilation of the newborn. Anesthesiology 34:116, 1971. 7. Geffin, B., and Pontoppidan, H.: Reduction of tracheal damage by the prestrecthing of inflatable cuffs. Anesthesiology 31:462, 1969. 8. Kilburn, K. H.: Shock, seizures and coma with alkalosis during mechanical ventilati- on. Annals of internál medicine 65:977, 1966. 9. Ashbaugh, D. G., og aðrir: Continuous positive-pressure breathing (CPPB) in adult respiratory distress syndrome. Journai of Thoracic and Cardiovasc. Surg. 57:31-41. 1969. 10. Lassen, H. C. A.: A preliminary report on the 1952 epidemic of poliomyelitis in Copen- hagen. With special reference to the treat- ment of acute respiratory insuffiency. Lan- cet 1:37, 1953. 11. Mushin, W. W., og aðrir: Automatic ventila- tion of the lungs. Blackwell scientific publi- cations 1969. 12. Norlander, O. P.: The use of respirators in anesthesia and surgery. Acta anaesthesio- logica scandinavica. Supplementum XXX, 1968. 13. Nash, G., Blennerhassett, J. B., and Pontop- pidan, H.: Pulmonary lesions associated with oxygen therapy and artificial ventilation. New England journal of medicine 276:368, 1967. 14. Pontoppidan, H., og aðrir: Ventilation and oxygen requirements during prolonged arti- ficial ventilation in patients with respira- tory failure. New England journal of medi- cine 273:401, 1965. 15. Pontoppidan, H., Geffin, B., and Lowen- stein, E.: Acute respiratory failure in the adult. New England journál of medicine 287:690—698, 743—752, 799—805, 1972. 16. Skillman, J. J., Bushnell, L. S., and Hedley- Whyte, J.: Peritonitis and respiratory failure after abdominal operations. Annáls of Surgery 170:122, 1969. 17. Sladen, A., Laver, M. B., and Pontoppidan, H.: Pulmonary complications and water retention in prolonged mechanial ventilati- on. New England journál of medicine 279: 448, 1968. 18. Smith, P. C., Daily, W. J. R.: Mechanical ventilation of newborn infants: IV. Techni- que of controlled intermittent positive- pressure ventilation. Anestliesiology 34:127, 1971. 19. Suter, P. M., Fairley, H. B., and Isenberg, M. D.: Optimum end expiratory airway pressure in patients with acute pulmonary failure. New England journál of medicine 292:284, 1975. 20. Sykes, M. K., McNicol, M. W., and Camp- bell, E. J. M.: Respiratory failure. Black- well scientific publications, 1969. 21. Watson, W. E.: Observations on physiologi- cal deadspace during intermittent positive pressure respiration. British journál of an- esthesia 34:502, 1962. 22. Young, J. A., Crocker, D.: Principles and practice of inhalation therapy. Year book medical publishers, 1970.
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