

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1976, Blaðsíða 71

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1976, Blaðsíða 71
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 165 þeim á kvöldin, þegar flest þeirra standa ónotuð. Hjúkrunarfólk, sjúkraþjálfar, íþróttakennarar og þjálfarar þyrftu að öðlast þekkingu og skilning á þrekprófum, ráðleggingum um æfingar, einkennum kransæðasjúkdóma, hjartabilunar og hjart- sláttaróreglu og helztu þáttum meðferðar. Lítill vafi er á, að þátttaka stórra þjóð- félagshópa í slíkum æfingum myndi stuðla að þróttmeiri, heilbrigðari og hamingju- samari þjóð. HEIMILDIR 1. Morris et al. Cor. heEirt disease and phys. activity of work. Lancet 2:1053 og IIII, 1953. 2. Tepperman, J. and Pearlman, D.: Effects of exercise and anemia on coronary arteries of small animals as revealed by the corrosion-cast technique. Circ. Res. 9:576, 1961. 3. Stevenson, J. et al.: Effects of exercise on coronary tree size in rats. Circ. Res. 15:265, 1964. 4. Hellerstein, H. et al.: The influence of active conditioning upon subjects with cor- onary artery disease. Canadian Med. Ass. J. 96:758, 1967. 5. Fox, S. M. og Haskell, W. L.: Physical activity and the prevention of coronaiy heart disease. Bulletin New York Academy of Medicine 44:950, 1968. 6. Sonnenblick, E. H. og Skelton, C. H.: Oxygen Consumption of the heart. — Physiol. principles and clinical implications. Modern concepts of cardiovascuiar disease. March 1971. 7. Morris, J. N. og Crawford, M. D.: Coronary heart disease and physical activity of work: Evidence of national necropsy survey. Brit. Med. J. 2:1485, 1958. 8. Larsen og Malmborg: Coronary heart dis- ease and physical fitness. University Park Press, Baltimore, 1971. 9. Andersen, K. L. et al.: Fundamentals of exercise testing. World Health Organization, Geneva, 1971. 10. Yue, R.: Department of rehab. medicine, Division of cardiovascular research, New York University Medical Center. Persónu- legar upplýsingar 1973. 11. Berkson, D. et al.: Experience with a long term supervised ergometric exercise pro- gram for middle-aged sedentary American men. Circulation Suppl. 2, 36:67, 1967. 12. Mann, G. V. et al.: Exercise and coronary risk factors: The response. Circulation Suppl. 2, 36:181, 1967. 13. Gertler, M. M. og Leetma, H. E.: Bio- chemical adaption on the heart secondary to physical effort. Unpublished report, New York University Medical Center 1973. 14. Saltin, B. og Karlsson, J.: Muscle metabol- ism during exercise. Plenum Press, New York, 1971. 15. Issekutz, B. et al.: Lipid and carbohydrate metabolism during exercise. Federation Proceedings, 25:45, 1966. 16. Issekutz, B. et al.: Aerobic work capacity and plasma FFA turnover. J. Appl. Physiol. 20:293, 1965. 17. Wittenberg, B.: The molecular mechanism of hemoglobin-facilitated oxygen diffusion. J. Biol. Chemistry, 241:104, 1966. 18. Halloszy, J. O.: Long term adaption in muscle to endurance exercise. Unpublished lecture 1972. 19. Halloszy, J. O.: Biochemical adaption in muscle, J. Biol. Chem., 242:2278, 1967. 20. Chance, B.: The response of mitochondria to muscular contraction. Annáls N.Y. Acad. Science 81:477, 1959. 21. Williamson, J. R.: Glycolytic control mechanisms, J. Biol. Chem. 241:5026, 1966. 22. Leaf, A.: Getting old. Scientific American, Sept. 1973. 23. Fox, S. M., Naughton, J. P., Gorman, P. A.: Physical activity and cardiovascular health. Mod. concepts of cardiovascular disease, 41:17, 1972. 24. I „Exercise equivalents", ed. Brock, L. L„ Colorado Heart Association, 1972. 25. Master, A. M.: The Master two-step test. J. South Carolina Med. Assoc., Suppl. 1, December 1969. 26. Naughton, J. P., University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois. 27. 1 „Myocardial Infarction — How to pre- vent, how to rehabilitate" ed. T. Semple, International Council of Cardiology, 1973. 28. Deitrick, J. E., Whedon, G. D., Shorr, E.: Effects of immobilization upon various metabolic and physiologic functions of nor- mal men. Am. J. Med. 4:3, 1948. 29. Wenger, N. K.: Use of exercise in rehabili- tation after myocardial infarction. J. South Caroline Med. Assoc., Suppl. 1, Dec. 1969. 30. Grant, A., Cohen, B. S.: Acute myocardial infarction: Effect of rehabilitation program on length of hospitalization and functional status at discharge. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 54:201, 1973. 31. Zohman, L. R., Tobis, J. S.: Cardiac Re- habilitation. Grune and Stratton, New York 1970. 32. I „Medical World News“ 23. nóv. 1973, bls. 17. Frétt af rannsóknum Bonnans, J. A. og Lies, J. E. við University of California School of Medicine at Davis. 33. Girandolo, R. N. og Katch, V.: Effects of nine weeks of physical training on aerobic capacity and body composition in college men. Arcliives of physical Medicine and Re- habilitation, 54:521, 1973.
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