

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1980, Qupperneq 4

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1980, Qupperneq 4
194 LÆKNABLAÐID Nýr doktor í læknisfræði — Ingvar E. Kjartansson Skömmu fyrir síðustu áramót varði doktorsrit- gerð við læknadeild háskólans í Gautaborg Ingvar E. Kjartansson, en ritgerðin heitir: Tumour circulation, an Experimental Study in the Rat with comparison of Different Me- thods for Estimation of Tumour Blood Flow. Samstarfsmenn hans voru Lennart Appelgren og Hans-Inge Peterson. Hér fer á eftir útdrátt- ur úr efni ritgerðarinnar: Methodological studies of circulatory patterns in two transplantable rat tumors, a 20-methylcholantrene induced sarcoma (MCH-C) and hepatoma (HEP-H). Methods: The intra-tumoral flow distríbution was studied by the uptake of i.v. injected isotopes,l2SI-antipyrine and/or 86Rubidium in small tumor samples of 15-30 mg. The total tumor blood flow was studied by pletysmography and the vascular morphology by microangiography. The difficulties of estimating changes in tumor blood flow, induced by a local X-ray irradiation against growing and aging, have been considered. Results: A wide distribution of isotope uptake was found in both tumors. A decrease in isotope uptake was observed in both tumors with increasing tumor growth and age. The decrease of isotope uptake with aging was delayed in irradiated tumors and often reversed for some period, but a wide distribution of isotope uptakes complicated definite conclusions. Tre relative total tumor blood flow/unit volume, was studied in one tumor, MCH- H, by pletysmography. Blood flow in control tumors (non-irradiated) was compared with that in locally irradiated tumors, 3 and 7 days after the irradiation. In control tumors, a decrease in total tumor blood flow/unit volume was found with increasing size and age of the tumors, while in irradiated tumors a regression of tumor size or arrested tumor growth was followed by a significantly increased total tumor blood blow/unit volume. Microangiography, in the MCH-H, showed a vascular supply similar to preexisting vessels in the transplantation area, skeletal muscle, while it in the Hep-H showed pathological often wide vessels, unlike the normal vessels of the transplantation area. Non-vascularized zones were observed to some degree in the MCH-H, but were more frequent in the Hep-H and increased in size and frequency with tumor growth. Irradiation did not influence the vascular structure of the MCH- H to a discernible degree by this method, but it did temporarily increase the frequency of non-vascularized areas in the Hep-H.



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