

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1980, Side 11

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1980, Side 11
LÆKNABLADIÐ 201 ráöum um fyrirkomulag og úrvinnslu á gögn- um meðan á rannsókninni stóð. Síðast en ekki síst þökkum við þeim fjöl- skyldum, sem tóku þátt í rannsókninni, fyrir samvinnuna. SUMMARY This is a psychiatric study of the families of deep sea fishermen. lt is a part of a broader study examining fishermen and their nuclear families from a psychi- atric, medical, psychological and sociological points of view. The wives and children of the crew and officers of 5 trawlers were examined as well as a control group of wives and children of employees in 4 factories matched by age, education and job responsibility to 4 of the 5 trawler crews studied. The health and interpersonal relationship of 47 fishermen’s families and 52 families of factory workers were assessed by a semistructured open- ended family interview at the home. The wife also filled in the Cornell Medical Index Health Question- naire. The children were assessed for overall psychi- atric disorder, individual symptoms were rated and psychiatric diagnoses made. The fishermen’s wives show more psychiatric symptoms and have more often marital problems than the wives in the controlgroup. The children in the fishermen’s families have more severe degree of psychiatric symptoms. The long absense from home of the fishermen seems to be the most important factor in increasing the frequency of psychiatric difficulties in the fishermen's families. HEIMILDIR 1. Abramsort, J. H. (1966): The Cornell Medical Index as an epidemiological tool. Amer. J. publ. Health 56, 287-298. 2. Björnsson, S. (1974): Epidemiological investiga- tion of mental disorders of children in Reykja- vík, lceland. Scand . J. Psychol. 15, 244-254. 3. Brodman, K„ A. J. Erdmann & H. G. Wolff (1956): Cornell Medical Index Questionnaire Manual. New York. 4. Fugelli. P. (1975): Mental health and living conditions in a fishing community in northern Norway. In: Social, Somatic and Psychiatric Studies of Geographically Defined Populations. Tromsö Seminar in Medicin. p. 154. 5. Helgason. T„ G. Ásmundsson, Th. Broddason, H. Ólafsson, H. Hannesdóttir & J. G. Stefánsson (1977a): Havfiskere og deres familier. Tidsskr. norske Legeforen. 27, 1389-1391. 6. Helgason, T. (1977b): Psychiatric problems in a fishing population. Nordic Council Arc. Med. Resp. Rep. No. 18, 7-21. 7. Helgason, T. (1978): Prevalence and incidence of mental disorders estimated by a health questi- onnaire and a psychiatric case register. Acta psychiat. scand. 58, 256-266. 8. Paffenberger, R. S. & D. P. Asnes (1966): Chronic disease in former college students: III: Precursors of suicide in early and middle life. Amer. J. publ. Health 56, 1026-1036. 9. Rutter, M. & L. Hersov (1977): Child Psychiatry; Modern Approaches. Blackwell Scientific Publi- cations. Oxford. 10. Schilling, R. S. F. (1966); Trawler fishing: an extreme occupation. Proc. R. Soc. Med. 59, 405. 11. Stoltz. L. M et al. (1954): Father Relations of War-Born Children. Stanford University Press. New York. 12. Sundby, P. (1956): Occupation and insanity. Acta psychiat. scand. suppl. 106, 276. 13. Tiller. P. O. (1958): Father absence and persona- lity development of children in sailor families. Nordisk Psykologi's Monograph Series No. 9. 14. Ödegaard, Ö. 1956): The incidence of psychosis in various occupations. Int. J. Psychiat. 2, 85.



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