

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1986, Page 25

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1986, Page 25
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 257 lyflækningadeildar Borgarspítala veittu mér tækifæri til að rannsaka sjúklinga öldrunarlækningadeildar og aðgang að gögnum deildarinnar á meðan ég starfaði þar. Yfirlæknar lyflækningadeildar Landspítalans veittu mér leyfi til að rannsaka sjúklinga deildarinnar og aðstoðarlæknar og hjúkrunarfræðingar gáfu álit sitt. Þessum aðilum kann ég bestu þakkir. SUMMARY A study of cognitive impairment among aged and alcoholics with a practical standardized test (MMS) compared with global assessment of staff. The Mini Mental State Examination has been shown to be a practical method for grading the cognitive state of patients. The present study was carried out in order to test the usefulness of an Icelandic translation on geriatric patients and alcoholics. The original MMS examination was modified by using a Benton Visual Retention Test (BVRT) of drawing a pentagon by memory rather than using the Bender-Gestalt copy design (BG) of drawing two intersecting pentagons. The effect of this change was tested among general medical inpatients. The author tested 169 persons, three groups of patients most of which were tested twice, and two control groups, one for the aged and the other for the alcoholics. The test results were compared to the clinical diagnosis and to the description of computerized tomography of the brain in the geriatric patients. In the general medical ward the house staff was asked to assess patients on a global scale for comparison. With regard to the alcoholics the scores were related to different items from the patients history. The test-retest reliability among elderly and very old patients in a stable condition was found to be very good. The use of BVRT rather than BG does not have a significant effect on the test results, especially not if the average age of the patients is similar. However, more patients succeed on the BVRT, especially the oldest. The test results among the geriatric patients and among the very aged control group are similar to those found previously. By using the same cut-off point in scoring the test the prevalence of cognitive impairment in the aged control group seems to be similar to that found by other methods among the very aged in Iceland. The test results showed that the prevalence of cognitive impairment among general medical inpatients aged 60-93 years is underestimated by subjective global assessment of the staff. The alcoholic patients scored lower on the Mini-Mental State Examination than the control group of unskilled workers although they improved slightly after a short period of detoxification except on registration and recall which did not improve. As found by the authors of the Mini-Mental State Examination (3) the Icelandic translation was found to be quick, easy to use and acceptable to the patients. VIÐBÆTIR MINI-MENTAL STATE PRÓF TIL AÐ META GLÖP DAGSETNING:_____KL:______ SJÚKLINGUR:________________________FNR._____NR: LÆKNIR:________________________________________ HÆSTA FJÖLDI SKORUN STIG ÁTTUN 5 ( ) HVAÐA ÁR, ÁRSTÍÐ, MÁNAÐARDAGUR, DAGUR, MÁNUÐUR ER NÚNA 5 ( ) HVAR ERUM VIÐ LAND, LANDSHORN, BÆR, SPÍTALI, DEILD. NÆMI 3 ( ) NEFNIÐ 3 HLUTI: ÍSEKUNDA TIL AÐ NEFNA HVERN. SPYRJIÐ SJÚKLING SÍÐAN EFTIR ÞEIM. 1 STIG FÆST FYRIR HVERT RÉTT SVAR. NEFNIÐ HLUTINA AFTUR UNS SJÚKLINGURINN HEFUR LÆRT ALLA 3 HLUTINA. TELJIÐ FJÖLDA SKIPTA SEM NEFNA ÞARF OG SKRÁIÐ.



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