

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1986, Qupperneq 27

Læknablaðið - 15.10.1986, Qupperneq 27
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 259 Retention Test). Eða settu mynd af tveim fimmhyrningum, sem skerast fyrir sjúkling og láttu hann teikna eins mynd með þessa til hliðsjónar (Bender-Gestalt). Ekki er verið að meta hvort sjúklingur er skjálfhentur en allar hliðar fimmhyrningsins þurfa að fást fram og hann má ekki vera opinn. Metið meðvitund sjúklings eftir skalanum á eyðublaðinu. HEIMILDIR 1. Nelson A, Fogel BS, Faust D. Bedside cognitive screening instruments.a critical assessment. J Nerv Ment Dis 1986; 174; 73-83. 2. Winograd CH. Mental status tests and the capacity for self-care. J Am Geriatr Soc 1984; 32: 49-55. 3. Folstein MF, Folstein SE, McHugh PR. »Mini-Mental State« A practical metod for grading the cognitive state of patients for the clinician. J Psychiat Res 1975; 12: 189-98. 4. Tsai L, Tsuang MT. The Mini-Mental State Test and computerized tomography. Am J Psychiatry 1979; 136: 436-39. 5. Dick JPR, Guiloff RJ, Stewart A, Blockstock J, Bielawska C, Paul EA, Marsden CD. Mini-mental state examination in neurological patients. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry Í984; 47: 496-99. 6. Anthony JC, Leresche L, Niaz U, Von Körff MR, Folstein M. Limits of the »Mini-Mental State« as a sreening test for dementia and delerium among hospital patients. Psychol Med 1982; 12: 397-408. 7. Spenser M, Folstein M. The Mini-Mental State Examination. Innovation in clinical practice: A source book. Sarasota: Professional Resource Exchange, Inc, 1985: 305-10. 8. Jónsson Á, Hallgrímsson J. Comparative Disease Patterns in the elderly and the very old: A retrospective autopsy study. Age Ageing 1983; 12: 111-17. 9. Magnússon H. Elliglöp meðal aldraðra íslendinga. Erindi á landsþingi Læknafélags íslands, 24.9.1985. 10. Roca RP, Klein LE, Kirby SM et. al. Recognition of dementia among medical patients. Arch Intern Med Janl984; 144: 73-75. 11. Riege WH, Holloway JH, Kaplan DW. Specific memory deficits associated with prolonged alcohol abuse. Alcoholism 1983; 5: 378-385. 12. Ryan C. Learning and memory deficits in alcholics J Stud Alchol 1980; 41: 437-47. 13. Yoman Jr, Parson OA Leber R. Lack of recovery in ale alcholics’ neuropsychological performance one year after treatment. Alcoholism 1985; 9: 114-17 14 Page RD, Schaub LH. Intellectual functioning in alcoholics during six months’ abstinence. J Stud Alcohol 1977; 38: 1240-46. 15 Hochla nn, Parson OA. Premature aging in feale alcoholics. A neuropsychological study. J Nerv Ment Dis 1982; 170: 241-45. 16 Blusewicz MJ, Dustman RE, Schenkenberg T, Beck EC. Neuropsychological correlates of chronic.
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