

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1992, Side 7

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1992, Side 7
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 121 Number of eyes ■ Right □ Left Fig. 7. The 278 eyes with atrophic AMD: Fifty seven (20.5%) had hard drusen (HD), 36 (12.9%) had soft drusen (SD), 75 (27.0%) had pigmentary changes (PC) and 110 (39.6%) had mixed form. Number of eyes DS NV PED Other Fig. 8. The 202 eyes with exudative AMD: Eighty eight (43.6%) had disciform scarring (DS), 49 (24.2%) liad subretinal neovascular membrane (NV), 48 (23.8%) had pigment epithelial detachment (PED) and 17 (8.4%) had other forms (f.ex. sensory ret. detachment or subretinal hemorrhage). Number of patients 1.0-0.5 0.33-0.17 <0.1 Visual acuity Fig. 9. The corrected visual acuity of the better eye: One liundred eighty (72.0%) had visual acuity 1.0-0.5 and only 21 (8.4%) had visual acuity 6/60 or less. Number of eyes 1QQ 1.0-0.5 0.33-0.17 <0.1 Visual acuity Fig. 10. The corrected visual acuity of the 480 eyes with AMD: It shows the difference in visual acuity in atrophic versus exudative AMD. Fig. 11. The corrected visual acuity of the 41 treated eyes before and after treatment: Visual acuity was the same or better by 58.5 % but 41.5% deteriorated. CF - count fingers. HH - Itand movement. Búseta: Athyglisvert er, að enda þótt ellihrömun í augnbotnum sé Jangalgengasta orsök lögblindu á Islandi koma fáir sjuklingar af landsbyggðinni til greiningar og meðferðar. Hlýtur það að benda til að aðgengi að þessari þjónustu sé betra í Reykjavík og á Reykjanesi. Aldur og ellihrörnun í augnbotnum: Framingham - augnrannsóknin (1973-1975) er sennilega þekktasta faraldsfræðilega rannsóknin um ellihrömun í augnbotnum. Þar var notað þýði úr Framingham - hjartarannsókninni á aldrinum 52-85 ára.



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