

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1998, Qupperneq 26

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1998, Qupperneq 26
928 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 Loftborið bráðaofnæmi á Mið-Norðurlandi Magnús Ólafsson”, Davíð Gíslason21 Ólafsson M, Gíslason D Airborne immediate allergy in Mid-North Iceland Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 928-34 Objective: To investigate main causes of airborne immediate allergy in a region of one primary health care center with about 17,000 inhabitants in the northern part of Iceland, both in general and with special reference to diagnoses. Material and methods: Totally 600 individuals with symptoms indicating airborne immediate allergy were investigated under the periode 1988-1995. Skin prick test (SPT) was used in a standardized way and with standardized solutions. Histamine 10 mg/ml was used as a positive control and positive results were defined as at least half as big as the histamine reaction. Results: 47% of investigated individuals had posi- tive SPT. Grass gave most often positive response and animal dander from cat were in the second place. The allergy symptoms start in ntore than half of the cases under the age of 16. House dust mites allergy are confirmed in only about 10% of the cases. Mean age of patients who came to the health care center with allergy is 23± 13 years and 34±17 years of those without allergy and the difference is significant in both sexes (p<0.001). When patients with grass pollen allergy are divided into two groups, those with and those without a family history (parents or sib- lings) of allergy, it is evident that those with a family history get their allergic disease significantly earlier in life than those without a family history (p<0.01). Conclusions: Immediate airborne allergy is, as is Frá "Heilsugæslustöðinni á Akureyri, Wífilsstaðaspitala. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Magnús Ólafsson, Heilsugæslu- stöðinni á Akureyri, Pósthólf 460, 602 Akureyri. Sími: 460 4600, bréfsími: 461 2605, netfang: magnus@hak.ak.is Lykilorö: loftborið bráöaofrtæmi, orsakir, Mið-Norðurland. quite well known, mostly a disease of children and young people. By far the most common cause in Mid-North Iceland is grasspollen as in South-West Iceland. Birch pollen is rnore common in the north- ern part, probably because of a different vegetation. Age distribution in the whole group without regard to diagnosis is the same as in South-West Iceland where patients with chronic rhinitis were investiga- ted. Storage mite Lepidoglyphus desfntcfor is often positive in those working with hay and it should be included in standard panel for skin prick tests in Northern Iceland. Key words: immediate airborne aiiergy, causes, Mid- North lceland. Ágrip Tilgangur: Að kanna helstu orsakir bráðaof- næmis á Norðurlandi innan upptökusvæðis einnar heilsugæslustöðvar með um það bil 17.000 íbtáa, bæði almennt og tneð tilliti til ein- stakra sjúkdóma. Efniviður og aðferðir: Rannsakaðir voru 600 einstaklingar sem höfðu einkenni sem gátu samrýmst bráðaofnæmi. Tímabilið er 1988- 1995. Gert var húðpróf (skin prick test) eftir stöðluðum leiðum og með stöðluðum lausnum. Histamín (10 mg/ml) var notað sem jákvæð viðmiðun og jákvætt húðpróf skilgreint sem að minnsta kosti helmingur af histamínsvöruninni (++). Niðurstöður: Af rannsökuðum einstakling- um reyndust 47% vera með jákvæð húðpróf. Al- gengustu orsakir voru grasfrjó og kattarhár voru í öðru sæti. Sjúkdómurinn byrjar í liðlega helmingi einstaklinga fyrir 16 ára aldur, of- næmi gegn rykmaurum sést einungis í um 10% tilvika. Meðalaldur þeirra sem hafa ofnæmi er 23±13 ár og þeirra sem ekki hafa ofnæmið
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