

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1998, Síða 110

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1998, Síða 110
1006 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica Chief Editor Acta Obstctricia et Gynecohgia Scaneiinavica. founded in 1921. is the journal of the Fcdcr- ation of the Scandinavian Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The changes that the journal has undergone in the past fcw ycars nuist now be intensified to meet the challenges of thc next millennium. Starting January 1. 2000. the Chief Editor will be a nevv appoint- rncnt. The post is for 4 years initially. with a possible extension ol' an additional 4-year lertn. Thc chicf editor will be expected to promote thc journal in collaboration with the associate editors and the publishing house, and with thc support of the Federation of the Scandina- vian Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Applicants should bc profcssionally active gynecologists gynecologists/obstetricians with documented scientific and literary experi- ence and should be prepared to devote the equivalent of approximately 50% of a full-time position to the journal. The position vvill carry a salary with it. which vvill bc paid by the Federation of the Scandinavian Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The job of chief editor vvill be a stimulating one for the innovative and creative pcrson. vvho vvill lcad Acta into the next century. vvhich vvill offer nevv opportunities and pose nevv demands in medical publishing. Each applicant should include a vvritten policy statement explaining plans to advance the international standing of the journal. In addition, the applicant should provide documentation to support his/her application and qualifications. Completed applications should be sent by March 1, 1999. to; Thc Prcsidcnt of N FOG Dr Unni Kirste Department of Obstelrics and Gynaecology Rikshospitalet KK Pilcstrede N-0027 Oslo Norvvay
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