Búskapur hins opinbera 1992-1993 - 01.04.1994, Side 57

Búskapur hins opinbera 1992-1993 - 01.04.1994, Side 57
Tafla 4.5 Samneysla hins opinbera eftir viðfangsefnum 1982-1992. General govemment final consumption by purpose 1982-1992. - Milljónir króna / Million krónur - Verðlag hvers árs: 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 At current prices: Almenn mál 1.022 1.700 2.094 2.895 3.872 5.562 7.318 8.219 10.144 11.418 11.474 Public adnúnistration 1. Almenn stjómsýsla 476 789 1.023 1.417 1.846 2.714 3.686 4.339 5.720 6.411 6.385 1. General public services. 2. Réttar- og öryggismál 546 911 1.072 1.478 2.026 2.849 3.632 3.880 4.423 5.007 5.089 2. Public order and safety affairs. Félagsleg þjónusta 4.457 7.905 9.565 13.936 19.356 26.435 34.585 41.413 46.949 53.047 54.710 Social affairs and services 3. Fræðslumál 1.410 2.305 2.803 4.199 5.747 8.007 10.288 12.199 13.652 15.335 15.833 3. Education affairs and services. 4. Heilbrigðismál 2.201 4.209 5.080 7.222 10.162 13.668 17.949 21.517 23.998 26.534 26.530 4. Health affairs and services. 5. Almannatr. og velferðarmál 359 592 676 1.183 1.640 2.370 3.285 3.777 4.625 5.668 6.149 5. Social security and welfare affairs 6. Húsn, skipul. og hreinsunarmál 207 347 414 568 715 1.007 1.235 1.549 1.797 2.135 2.527 6. Housing and community amenty affairs 7. Menningarmál 281 454 593 765 1.093 1.383 1.828 2.371 2.878 3.375 3.670 7. Recreational, cultural and religious affair Atvinnumál 826 1.435 1.824 2.432 3.025 3.777 4.329 5.493 6.394 6.773 6.846 Economic affairs and services 8. Orkumál 55 99 104 145 179 279 274 298 230 255 266 8. Fuel and energy affairs and services 9. Landbúnaðarmál 53 89 128 174 217 310 322 346 468 632 498 9. Agricultual affairs and services 10. Sjávarútvegsmál 96 159 201 291 339 449 536 593 725 876 819 10. Fishing andftsh processing affairs 11. Iðnaðarmál 23 33 59 80 75 116 161 155 203 232 263 11. Manufacturing and construction affairs 12. Samgöngumál 543 968 1.200 1.542 1.974 2.331 2.678 3.632 4.187 4.105 4.313 12. Transportation and communication affair 13. önnur atvinnumál 56 88 131 201 242 292 359 470 581 674 687 13. Other economic affairs and services Önnur opinber þjónusta 348 511 571 955 1.219 1.604 2.306 2.698 3.338 3.361 3.447 Expenditures not classified by major group Afskriftir 240 427 541 735 948 1.151 1.357 1.680 2.029 2.319 2.454 Consumption of fixcd capital Samneysla alls 6.893 11.978 14.595 20.953 28.420 38.529 49.895 59.503 68.854 76.918 78.930 Total government final consumption Verðlag ársins 1990: 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 At 1990 market prices: Almenn mál 7.113 7.209 7.360 7.529 7.888 8.823 9.377 9.112 10.144 10.545 10.210 Public administration 1. Almenn stjómsýsla 3.351 3.348 3.588 3.680 3.768 4.339 4.762 4.824 5.720 5.929 5.689 1. General public services. 2. Réttar- og öryggismál 3.762 3.860 3.772 3.849 4.121 4.484 4.615 4.289 4.423 4.616 4.521 2. Public order and safety affairs. Félagsleg þjónusta 31.308 33.664 33.474 36.168 39.604 42.254 44.434 45.975 46.949 48.980 48.685 Social affairs and services 3. Fræðslumál 9.683 9.744 9.880 10.943 11.665 12.521 12.986 13.453 13.652 14.126 14.056 3. Education affairs and services. 4. Heilbrigðismál 15.879 18.049 17.665 18.671 20.934 22.271 23.416 24.031 23.998 24.552 23.661 4. Health affairs and services. 5. Almannatr. og velferðarmál 2.368 2.481 2.404 3.096 3.308 3.644 4.091 4.134 4.625 5.209 5.444 5. Social security and welfare affairs 6. Húsn, skipul. og hreinsunarmál 1.462 1.478 1.443 1.470 1.465 1.635 1.608 1.730 1.797 1.976 2.255 6. Housing and community amenty affairs 7. Menningarmál 1.917 1.913 2.082 1.988 2.232 2.182 2.332 2.627 2.878 3.117 3.269 7. Recreational, cultural and religious affair Atvinnumál 6.094 6.176 6.308 6.277 6.241 6.200 5.654 6.150 6.394 6.268 6.106 Economic affairs and services 8. Orkumál 372 416 367 379 361 437 342 328 230 234 235 8. Fuel and energy affairs and services 9. Landbúnaðarmál 365 379 449 453 442 495 411 383 468 582 442 9. Agricultual affairs and services 10. Sjávarútvegsmál 677 675 705 755 690 709 683 656 725 808 727 10. Fishing and fish processing affairs 11. Iðnaðarmál 153 137 206 208 149 172 196 167 203 212 232 11. Manufacturing and construction affairs 12. Samgöngumál 4.146 4.195 4.119 3.962 4.104 3.920 3.563 4.093 4.187 3.811 3.860 12. Transportation and communication affair 13. Önnur atvinnumál 381 374 461 520 494 467 460 523 581 621 610 13. Other economic affairs and services Önnur opinber þjónusta 2.420 2.150 2.037 2.494 2.468 2.458 2.870 2.960 3.338 3.090 3.054 Expcnditures not classified by major group Afskriftir 1.644 1.715 1.779 1.829 1.896 1.956 1.955 1.978 2.029 2.155 2.227 Consumption of fixed capital Samneysla alls 48.578 50.914 50.957 54.296 58.097 61.690 64.290 66.176 68.854 71.038 70.282 Total governmentfinal consumption Endurlán reiknuð með öll árin. 55
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Búskapur hins opinbera 1992-1993

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