

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2002, Qupperneq 21

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2002, Qupperneq 21
FRÆÐIGREINAR / MIÐTAUGAKERFISÆXLI í ÆSKU Greining, árangur meðferðar og síðkomnar aukaverkanir æxla í miðtaugakerfi í æsku Hilma Hólm', Ólafur Gísli Jónsson2, Árni V. Þórsson12, Bjarni Hannesson3, Guðmundur Kr. Jónmundsson4, Jón R. Kristinsson4, Ásgeir Haraldsson14 'Háskóli íslands, læknadeild, :Barnadeild Landspítala Fossvogi, 3Heila- og taugaskurðdeild, Landspítala Fossvogi, 4Barnaspítali Hringsins, Landspítala Hringbraut. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Ásgeir Haraldsson prófessor, Barnaspítala Hringsins, Landspítala Hringbraut, 101 Reykjavík. Sími: 5601000; netfang: asgeir@landspitali.is Lykílorð: börn, miðtaugakerfi, œxli, síðkomnar aukaverkanir. Ágrip Inngangur: Æxli í miðtaugakerfi er annar algengasti illkynja sjúkdómurinn í börnum, næst á eftir hvít- blæði. Árangur meðferðar hefur farið stöðugt batn- andi og því eykst mikilvægi þess að greina möguleg langtímaáhrif og síðkomna fylgikvilla meðferðar. Til- gangur rannsóknarinnar var að finna heildarfjölda sjúklinga á Islandi, greiningu þeirra og árangur með- ferðar og kanna síðkomna fylgikvilla og langtíma- áhrif meðferðar á eftirlifandi einstaklinga. Aðferðir: Sjúklingar voru fundnir með leit í sjúkraskrám á Sjúkrahúsi Reykjavíkur og Landspít- alanum auk þess sem farið var yfir aðgerðarbækur á SHR. Upplýsingar um sjúkdóminn, greiningu og meðferð var safnað. Allir þátttakendur í rannsókn- inni komu í viðtal og skoðun, heyrnarmælingu, blóð- og þvagrannsóknir. Spurningalisti varðandi félags- lega aðlögun, skólagöngu, minni, einbeitingu og líð- an var einnig lagður fyrir þátttakendur. Niðurstööur: Á árunum 1970-1995 greindust 57 börn á Islandi yngri en 16 ára með æxli í miðtauga- kerfi, 30 stelpur og 27 strákar. Tveir sjúklingar með meinvörp í heila voru útilokaðir frá frekari upp- vinnslu. Nú eru 38 þessara einstaklinga á lífi, 19 kon- ur og 19 karlar. Sautján sjúklingar höfðu astrocytoma af gráðu I eða 2 en sjö sjúklingar astrocytoma af gráðu 3 eða 4. Sjö sjúklingar höfðu greinst með meduHoblastoma, aðrar tegundir voru sjaldgæfari. Fjórir sjúklingar með góðkynja æxli í mænu voru úti- lokaðir frá rannsókn. Þrír búa erlendis og þrír neit- uðu þátttöku. Því tóku 28 einstaklingar þátt í rann- sókninni, 15 karlmenn og 13 konur. Aldur við grein- ingu var að meðaltali sjö ár og átta mánuðir (7:8) EIVGLISH SUMMARY Hólm H, Jónsson ÓG, Þórsson ÁV, Hannesson B, Jónmundsson GK, Kristinsson JR, Haraldsson Á Central nervous system tumours in lcelandic children; diagnoses, treatment results and late effects Læknablaöiö 2002; 88: 21-7 Objective: Tumours in the central nervous system are the second most common malignant diseases in children. With improved treatment, the number of survivors is increasing. Therefore, better knowledge of the long-term effects of the disease and the therapy is needed. The aim of the current study was to find the incidence of central nervous system tumours in lceland, evaluate the treatment results and study the long-term effects on the individuals. Material and methods: Data on diagnosis and treatment as well as demographic data were gathered from hospital records from the Reykjavik City Hospital and The University Hospital and operating lists at the Department of Neurosurgery were reviewed. On survivors, physical examination was carried out, blood tests and urine- analysis were done and hearing was tested. Social adaptation, school performance, memory, concentration and general well being were studied by a questionnaire. Results: In the years 1970-1995, 57 children, aged 16 and younger, were diagnosed in lceland with central nervous system tumours, 30 girls and 27 boys. Two children with brain metastases were excluded. Of the 55 individuals, 38 are alive today, 19 girls and 19 boys. Seventeen children had astrocytoma, grade 1 or 2 and seven had astrocytoma of grade 3 or 4. Seven children had medulloblastoma, other tumours were less common. Four patients with benign tumours in the spine were excluded from the study; three are living abroad and three refused participation. Therefore, 28 patients were included in the further study, 15 males and 13 females. The mean age at diagnoses was 7 years and 8 months (7:8) (median 6:7 years, span 0:0- 15:11), the mean age at study was 21:4 years (median 20:2 years, span 7:6-39:9) and the mean time from diagnosis until study was 12:8 years (median 11:5 years, span 2:5- 26:3). The mean standard deviation score for height (SDS) was -0.63 at the time of study, five of the patients had SDS below two. Five individuals need hormone replacement therapy and one patient has scoliosis. Three patients have disabilities; two of those are incapable of activities of daily life. Three patients have hearing impairment; one of them is also blind. Of five patients who had seizures when diagnosed, two still have convulsions. Of 28 patients, twelve (43%) had learning difficulties in school and ten (36%) needed remedial teaching. Conclusions: The incidence of central nervous tumours in lcelandic children is comparable to what has been reported in other countries. The results of the treatment are similar to what has been found in the other Nordic countries which maybe better than in other countries. The most prominent long-term effects among the survivors are endocrine dysfunctions and specific learning disabilities. Other, severe long-term complications are rare but have considerable effect on the individuals. We emphazise that organised, long-term follow-up is essential for these individuals, paying special attention to learning difficulties and endocrine dysfunction. Key words: children, central nervous system, tumour, late effects. Correspondence: Ásgeir Haraldsson: asgeir@landspitali.is Læknablaðið 2002/88 21
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