Iðnaðarmál - 01.03.1962, Side 4

Iðnaðarmál - 01.03.1962, Side 4
group that much were to be learned from both the nations visited in matt- ers of wage policy and industrial rela- tions. Industrialization in Building pp. 32, 33 and 34 A talk given by Prof. dr. B. J. Ram- böll at the Nordic Building Day 1961, translated into Icelandic from Bygge- industrien no. 20, 1961. Progress and its Victúns p. 35 Reciting a number of incidents from the past three centuries this brief ar- ticle demonstrates how workers al- ways have tended to revolt against labour saving innovations. The article concludes that because of improved public education it is with expectations rather than fear that we face a steady growth of technical de- velopments. (From „Looking Ahead", Jan. 1962). A New Bill on Industrial Concultants Introduced in Denmark p. 35 A brief news item from OECD News. The IMA Concludes its First Year of Activities pp. 36 and 37 In the form of a report this article discribes all of the major activities of the Icelandic Management Associ- tion during its first year of operations. The Association which has become a member of the CIOS, (Commité International dé l'Organisation Scientifique), has organized confer- ences, lectures and various standing committees and working groups to tackle various problems in the field of management. A New Conculting Firm p. 37 It is announced that a new private consulting firm has started operations in Iceland in the field of chemical technology. Hov/ to Wreck Meetings pp. 38, 39 and 44 An illustrated article from „The Management Review". Training of Factory Workers pp. 40 and 41 In October of 1960 an Icelandic five member mission made a tour of Swe- den and Holland to study training of factory workers in these countries. Earlier this year a report was pu- blished on the fíndings of the mission together with recommendations as how to organize training of factory workers in Iceland. In the report it is recommendet that the Minister of Industry set up a com- mittee represeting labour unions and employers associations to organize educational training activity for fac- tory workers. General short courses should be organized where the parti- cipants would be given insight into su- bjects such as the national economy, the organization and operation of in- dustrial firms, productivity and ra- tionalization, industrial safety, wage systems, laws pertaining to industrial firms, productivity and rationalization, industrial safety, wage systems, laws pertataining to industrial relations, social security, etc. Then it is recom- mended that it be investigated, whet- her, training at the firm level ould be effectively carried out be special train- ing officers employed by the firms and if so to organize joint training courses for such training officers. Further it is recommended that the committee study the possibilities of joint practical training of workers in the largest sec- tors of industry. Finally, it is sugge- sted that a special handbook for such workers be published which could be used as a training aid as well as' a general handbook for such workers. The report is available from the Productivity Institute. A Guide to Fmishing Methods ior Alu- minium pp. 42, 43 and 44 Translation from „The Aluminium Courier", no. 52, 1960, published by



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