
Jökull - 01.12.1961, Blaðsíða 23

Jökull - 01.12.1961, Blaðsíða 23
SUMMARY: THE VATNAJÖKULL EXPEDITIONS IN JUNE AND SEPTEMBER 1961. by SIGURDUR THORARINSSON. In 1961 the Iceland Glacilogical Soiciety sent two expeditons lo Vatnajökull. The first ex- pedition lefl Reykjavik on June 10 and retur- ned, on June 25. Participants were 11, using 3 wiesels on the glacier. This expedition had three main aims. One group, lecl by S. Thorar- insson and Magnús Jóhannsson was to carry out the annual measurements of snow-accu- mulation, especially in the Grímsvötn area, and measure the rising of the snow- and water level in the Grimsvötn depression betiueen Grídar- horn and Depill. A group of geodecists, led by Sleingrimur Pálsson, was to level with tachy- meters a section 42 km in length from the trig-point on Svíahnúkur eystri across Vatna- jökull to a trig-point on Kverkfjöll eystri. This group also intended to relevel a section level- led in June 1959 from Nýjafell at the edge of Tungnárjökull lo a point 3 km inside the glacier front. The third aim was to carry out gravimetric and magnetic measurements along the levelled section between Svinahnúkur ancl Kverkfjöll. This task was entrusted to Orn Gard- arsson. As during two previous Vatnajökull expedi- tions (in spring 1959 ancl 1960) a postal service was maintained in the Societies hut on Svía- hnúkur. The postmark is Vatnajökull and a specially appointed postmaster undertakes the postal duties. The Society issues yearly 5000 numbered envelopes bearing a scene from Vatnajökull and sells them in order to support economically its researc.h activity. Noiu as be- fore Grhnur Sveinsson from the Post Office in Reykjavik was postmasler in the Svíahnúkur hut. Despite bad weather that lasted from June 13 to 18 the research program was carried out satisfactorily. The levelling and the geophysical measurements were completed by working day and night when the weather conditions permit- ted. The results will be published in this peri- oclical. Three pits were dug to about 6 m depth with- in the drainage area of Grímsvötn. in the pit dug at the iron mast erected by S. Rist on Oct. 9 1960, 6 km NE of the hut on Svíahnúkur and 1614 m above sea level, the winter accumulation was 540 cm, water content 2760 mm. In o. pit dug in the Grímsvötn depression 4 km IVNW of Gridarhorn in about 1420 m height, the wint- er accumulation was 610 cm, water content 3060 mm and in the third pit, dug on Kverk- fjallahryggur in the Svíahnúkur-Kverkfjöll section, 11.5 km from Sviahnúkur and in 1670 m height the winter accumulation luas 553 cm, water content 2800 mm. At the iron mast er- ected by Rist on Oct. 6 1960 7.5 km NW of Pálsfjall and in about 1300 m height, the acc- umulation was 377 cm, water content about 1900 mm. At Depill situated at the xuestern edge of the Grímsvötn depression, the zuater level, as meas- ured on June 17, 1961, had risen 24 m since June 12 1960 or an average 6.5 cm per day. The autumn expedition lefl Reykjavík Sept. 9 and returned Sept. 17. Participants were 8 (cf. Fig. 9) using 2 tuiesels. Leader was S. Thor- arinsson. On the Society’s invitation Dr. Valter Schytt, the renoiuned Swed.ish glaciologist, join- ed this expediiion. Below the firnline the Tungnárjökull was much easier to traverse than the previous autumn, tuhen it proved impossible to Iraverse with luiesels. At the iron mast NW of Pálsfjall the net ablation June 12. — Sept. 11 was 173 cm. At the mast 6 km NE of Sviahnúkur eystri the net ablation June 19. — Sept. 12 was 69 cm. There the average spec. weight, of the winter layer 1960/61 had increased from 0.51 to 0.58; in the lowermost 2.5 m of the layer it had in- creased from 0.49 to 0.59. Both iron masts tuere heiglitened so tlmt they reached 858 (Grímsvötn) and 584 cm (Pálsfjall) above the firn level when left. At Depill the water level measured on Sept. 11, had risen only 2 m since June 17 or on average 2.3 cm per day. 21
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