
Jökull - 01.12.1961, Síða 51

Jökull - 01.12.1961, Síða 51
ing a brief review of some of the engineering and economic aspects of this development. The emphasis will be placed on general aspects and future plans rather than on descriptions of present installations. The most important future plan, the Krýsu- vik-project, will be discussed in some detail at the end of this paper. On the other hand, power production projects will be omitted in the main discussion. For this topic the reader is referred to a paper by Einarsson (1961). For a description of the main existing district heating system, the Reykjavík Municipal District Fleating Service, the reader is referred to the description by Sigurdsson (1961). The technique of drilling for hot water and natural steam is reviewed by Karlsson (1961). A review of the physical characteristics of natural heat resources in Iceland is given by Bodvarsson (1961). 2. REVIEW OF PRESENT UTILIZATION AND GENERAL PROSPECTS. The Reykjavík Municipal District Heating Service distributes natural hot water for domestic heating for approximately 40,000 inhabitants of the city. There exist district heating systems of a similar type in 4 small communities, Olafs- fjordur and Saudarkrokur in the North of the country and Selfoss and Hveragerdi in the South. Moreover, a number of central heating svstems has been installed on farms lying in the vicinity of thermal areas. The total number of people outside Reykjavík living in houses heated by natural heat is now about 5,000, giving a to- tal of 45,000 for the entire country. The total floor-area of the green-houses heat- ed by natural heat is 95,000 square meters ancl the total number of swimmingpools is about 80. The total consumption of fuel oil equivalent to the present annual consumption of natural heat can be estimated on the basis of the above figures. The results are given in TABLE I. At present the city of Reykjavík has about 74, 000 inhabitants. The communities of Kopa- vogur ancl Hafnarfjordur, lying respectivelly 5 km and 10 km south of the city, have a total of 13,000 inhabitants. Thus the Reykjavík area has at present a total of 87,000 inhabitants. The ex- pected total for 1970 is 110,000. At present there are therefore in this area about 47,000 people living in houses not served 49



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