
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1973, Qupperneq 22

Jökull - 01.12.1973, Qupperneq 22
and 650 km. On the basis of high-pressure laboratory data, Anderson (1967) and Ring- wood and Major (1970) come to the conclusion tliat the upper discontinuity probably repres- ents a solid-solid phase transition in (MgFe)2- •SiOj from an olivine to a spinel structure. Moreover, Anderson (1967) suggests that the lower discontinuity may represent a collapse of the spinel structure to a phase composed of MgO, FeO, and SÍO2. The implications of these transitions cannot be ignored in any dis- cussion of mantle convection. It should be not- ed that whereas the olivine-spinel transition is a normal one with a positive slope Clapeyron curve, the lower transition is believed to be anormal with a negative Clapeyron curve. Phase transitions within the convecting fluid considerably complicate the mathematics of the Rayleigh convection model. Additional non- linear terms are introduced and the stability problem becomes more involved, in particular in the case of an internally heated fluid. Schu- bert et al. (1970), Schubert and Turcotte (1971), and Busse and Schubert (1971) have shown that an approximate solution to the stability pro- blem for a layer of a normal two-phase fluid, heated from below, can be obtained on the basis of the well-known method of lineariza- tion which has been applied in most problems involving Rayleigh convection. On the other hand, although a comprehensive discussion of the Rayleigh model involving a homogeneous internally heated fluid has been given by Roberts (1967), the case of the internally heat- ed two-phase fluid has not been treated in the literature. Moreover, the implications of anorm- al phase transitions have not been discussed. The purpose of the present paper is to dis- cuss the stability problem for layers of internally heated normal or anormal two-phase fluids on the basis of a much simplified physical model which furnishes useful results relevant to the mantle convection problem. This is achieved by the introduction of a one-dimensional ‘strip- model’ approximation for the convective flow. As a result of the mathematical simplifications obtained, this model can be applied to furnish useful stability criteria in many cases involving convective phenomena in complex geophysical systems where the classical Rayleigh method fails. In particular, it opens up the possibility 20 JÖKULL 23. ÁR of investigating cases involving non-homogene- ous, non-Newtonian fluids. Moreover, finite amplitude convective flows can be studied by similar methods. We will begin by pointing out the physical relationship between the ‘strip- model’ and the Rayleigh model by showing that the ‘strip-model’ method furnishes good results in two cases of Rayleigh convection which have been solved by the classical method. THE STRIP MODEL - DESCRIPTION AND BASIC EQUATIONS Since the strip model to be introduced below is a further simplification of the Rayleigh model, it is important to first point out the many physical approximations which the Ray- leigh model itself entails. Consider a horizontal layer of an incompressible Newtonian fluid of thickness h, zero surface temperature and a constant bottom temperature To- Let the z-axis be vertical, z be the unit vertical vector, and let /3 = To/h. The linearized perturbation equations of the Rayleigh model may be written (.Jeffreys, 1926, 1928): Vp' — vpV2 U + agpT'z = 0 (1) uz/3 = aV2T' (2) V- u = 0 (3) where p' and T' represent the perturbation pressure and temperature respectively. More- over p denotes the kinematic viscosity, p the density, a. the thermal expansivity, and a the thermal diffusivity. The perturbation velo- city is u = (ux, uy, uz), and the acceleration of gravity is g. The non-linear terms which are being neglected are the convective acceleration p(“ ‘ V/u (4) second order heat transport terms u • VT' (5) and the viscous dissipation of heat
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