
Jökull - 01.12.1973, Blaðsíða 41

Jökull - 01.12.1973, Blaðsíða 41
Fig. 3. Solution of the linear program in two dimensions where m = 1. Obviously, the vector x0 has the smallest I2- norm of all vectors satisfying (1). It is unique and it determines the position of the solution space uniquely. The components of x0 there- fore respresent the least h-norm solution to the present undertermined problem and x0 can be defined as the generalized solution to the pro- blem. The square-sum or 12-norm applied above bas in some cases the disadvantage of being of bttle direct practical importance. Frequently °ne is more interested in minimizing a linear- sum or li-norm of the form (|xi| + |x2|) and solv- lng equation (1) (m = 1) with the constraints xi >0, x2 S 0 xi -f x2 = min. I his problem setting is equivalent to a pro- blem in linear programming which is very easily solved in the present case. We find that b an > a12, we can solve equation (1) for xi and insert into (4). This leads to x2 [1 — (ai2/an)] + (bi/an) = min. x2 & 0 (5) 'vhich has the solution x2 = 0, and hence xi = bi/an (6) TWs solution is illustrated graphically by the vector OS in Fig. 3. The overdetermined case m > 2 is character- ized by the presence of more than two lines in the plane. The case of m = 3 is illustrated in Fig. 4. In the general case there will be no unique common point of intersection of the lines and hence no solution to the equations. Nevertheless, a generalized solution can be de- fined in the following way. The point of inter- section between two lines in the plane is the point of least distance from the two lines. This distance is zero because the lines intersect. This concept can be generalized and carried over to the overdetermined case where m > 2. We select the point of least distance square sum from the m lines and define our generalized solution as being represented by this point. This solution will generally be unique. In the case m = 3 illustrated in Fig. 4, the solution point S is characterized by di2 + d22 + d32 = min. (7) where di, d2, and d3 are the lengths of the perpendiculars from S to the lines 1 to 3. Cases with more than two unknowns These considerations are easily extended to higher dimensions. Let i aíkxk = bi, i = 1, 2,..., m (8) k = t Fig. 4. Overdetermined problem in two dim- ensions where m = 3. JÖKULL 23. ÁR 39
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