
Jökull - 01.12.1986, Blaðsíða 8

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Blaðsíða 8
in the interior highlands to the east (Árnason 1976). The interpretation of the deuterium data are not dis- puted as far as the source areas are concerned. How- ever, the inferred deep circulation of the water from the recharge areas and to the discharge areas is dis- putable in the light of available geological data. Drillhole data show that permeability decreases in general with age of the flood basalt piles in Iceland (.Scemundsson and Fridleifsson 1980). By inference to studies of Walker (1960) in eastern Iceland it is ex- pected that the decreasing permeability with age is due to compaction and increasing abundance of secondary minerals filling vugs and cracks. In the 4 —5 million years old bedrock in Reykholts- dalur the primary permeability is in all likelihood very low as judged from permeability data for drill- holes in the Tertiary basalt formations in Iceland (Sœmundsson and Fridleifsson) 1980). Therefore, ground water flow would be expected to be concen- trated in fractures of secondary permeability. Re- charge from the northeast along the NE-striking frac- tures is, therefore, likely as suggested by Georgsson et al. (1984). There may also be contribution to the re- charge along pores of primary permeability at rela- tively shallow depths. Unconsolidated post-glacial sediments cover the Tertiary bedrock in the westernmost part of the Reyk- holtsdalur field and the area to the west. Rivers deriv- ing most of their water from the highlands meander over these sediments. The rivers are likely to contri- bute water to the ground water body soaking the sedi- ments. Infiltration of such water into the bedrock could contribute to the recharge of the geothermal system, especially if permeable fractures underly the sediments as the ground water body in the latter will act as an infinite reservoir to the fractures. Cold ground water flowing along fissures into the northern end of Lake Thingvallavatn represents pre- cipitation which has fallen as far north as Langjökull some 40 km away (Árnason 1976). Water in cold springs emerging on the lower slopes of the mountains immediately north of the Upper-Árnessýsla geother- mal system originates in southern Langjökull and the deuterium content of the geothermal water is similar to that of the cold springs or higher (Árnason 1976). There is, therefore, no need to explain the deuterium content of the hot springs by deep circulation from the recharge area. Permeability data and temperature distribution in some drilled low-temperature fields in Iceland indi- cate that convection is sustained by the pressure dif- ference exerted by the hot water column of the upflow and the denser and colder water column in the down- flow zone (Björnsson 1980a). High flow rates from hot springs in Upper-Árnessýsla are indicative of good permeability. The rocks in the area are Upper- Quaternary and would, therefore, be expected to have some primary permeability. Together with informa- tion on subsurface temperatures, this favours that the Upper-Árnessýsla geothermal system is of the convec- tive type just described. The convection is envisaged to be concentrated in tectonic fractures but downflow may occur additionally over a larger area through pores of primary permeability, still within the geo- thermal field. The distantly derived ground water mixes in some instances with local ground water as indicated by the deuterium data of Árnason (1976). Such mixing can take place either in the downflow zones or in the upflow. EVOLUTION OF GEOTHERMAL SYSTEMS The low-temperature geothermal activity in Iceland has most likely not a common origin as assumed by the model of Einarsson (1942). Some low-temperature systems seem to have evolved from high-temperature ones. Others may have developed through convection in tectonic fractures in otherwise impermeable bed- rock. Still others may be due to deep circulation of ground water from the interior highlands towards the coastal areas. When classifying geothermal fields in Iceland as high- and low-temperature Bödvarsson (1961) was emphasizing economic aspects of exploitation. How- ever, as pointed out by him, the ciassification found strong support in the geological settiríg of the two types of fields. The high-temperature systems had a volcanic heat source whereas the low-temperature ones were nonvolcanic. Alteration mineralogy and measured temperatures in wells in several geothermal fields in SW-Iceland show that present-day low-temperature systems are located within fossil high-temperature systems. It may be that these low-temperature systems developed from the high-temperature ones conjuncture with the drift- ing of the latter out of the volcanic zone. After cess- ation of emplacement of magma into the roots of a high-temperature system, the cooling of the hot rock will depend on time and on the rate at which ground water circulates through the system. The geothermal activity around Hveragerði is considered to represent a high-temperature system which is in an early stage of cooling down. Just north of Hveragerði maximum drillhole temperature is 230°C. Temperatures de- crease towards south and in the southernmost well in 6
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