
Jökull - 01.12.1986, Síða 14

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Síða 14
Fig. 1. The Volcanic zones of Iceland. The Reykja- nes Volcanic Zone connects the Mid-Atlantic Ridge with the volcanic zones across Iceland (Sigurðsson 1985). Mynd 1. Gosbelti á íslandi. Reykjanesgosbeltið tengir Miðatlantshafshrygginn við megingosbeltin á íslandi (Freysteinn Sigurðsson 1985). r-rqvOD-jK-890-FS I LH 63.04.0533-GSJ I I Kolbeinsey Ridge I = Main Zones =_ Hlll Cross Zones Fig. 2. Groundwater supply from the Reykjanes peninsula. About 60% of the population of Iceland enjoy the freshwater from the rich groundwater reservoirs on the Reykjanes penin- sula (Sigurðsson & Sigbjarnarson 1985). Mynd 2. Ferskvatnstaka á. Reykjanesskaga. Um 60% íbúa' landsins fá neyzluvatn sitt úr grunn- vatni á Reykjanesskaga (Freysteinn Sigurðsson & Guttormur Sigbjarnar- son 1985). Explanations/Skýringar: 1. Urban settlements areas, numbers relate to popu- lation / Þéttbýlissvœði og íbúafjöldi. 2. Early Quaternary volcanics and intrusives / Ár- kvatert berg. 3. Interglacial basalts / grágrýti. 4. Subglacially erupted rocks (hyaloclastites and pillow lavas) / móbergsfjöll. 5. Postglacial basalt lavas / hraun frá nútíma. 6. Tectonic fissure swarms / sprunguskarar. 7. Direction of groundwater flow / stefna grunnvatns- strauma. 8. Coastal outflow, estimated discharge in m3/s / Fjörurennsli, metið rennsli í m’!s. 9. Natural spring areas / Lindasvæði. 10. Sites of water extraction / vatnsból. 11. Pipelines / vatnsveitur. 12
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