
Jökull - 01.12.1986, Síða 21

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Síða 21
range of width of 0.1—2.5 m (fig. 9). This allows a mathematical treatment of the permeability effect of the fissures, although it must be based on some as- sumptions: the permeability in a fissure is assumed to be equal to the geometrical mean value of the ‘permeabilities” in an open channel and in one filled with coarse gravel: the effect of the distinct fissures is thought to be evenly distributed over an area (Sig- urðsson 1985). The calculated permeability values are us high as 0.15 m/s for some small areas, in the pre- valent tectonic direction. The permeability values for the relative classes of the lithological types have been estimated from areal tests (long term pumping tests, tidal effects etc.) and niodel calculations (Sigurðsson 1976, Ingimarsson & Kjaran 1978, Ingimarsson & Elíasson 1980, Sigurðs- son 1985). The approximate values for the areal Permeability are as follows: 1 • Postglacial lavas 2. Fresh interglacial lavas, pillow lavas 3. Older interglacial basalts, unaltered hyaloclastites 4- Altered hyaloclastites, massive basalts 10‘2 - 10"° m/s 10“3 - 10“' m/s 10“4 - 10“2 m/s 10“5 - 10“3 m/s Based on the assumed lithology of the reservoir rocks and on the tectonic pattern a hydrogeological Permeability map of the western part of the Reykjanes Peninsula has been prepared (Sigurðsson et al. 1978, Sigurðsson 1985) and used as a base for a hydrogeo- logical model (Ingimarsson & Elíasson 1980). Various methods have been used to approach the lithological type of the buried rocks in the freshwater layer: 1 ■ The established systematical distribution of the reservoir rocks. 2- The structure of the buried reservoir rocks may to some degree be reflected in the landscape on the lavacovered surface. 3. Geoelectrical resistivity values can be indicative of the nature of the reservoir rocks. 4- The groundwater level and the groundwater cur- rents reflect the permeability pattern of the rocks m the freshwater layer and thus indirectly indicate the lithological type. All four methods have yielded similar results, strengthening the final synthetical interpretation of the distribution of the rocks in the freshwater layer. The areas with the highest permeabilities are situ- ated at the northern coast of the peninsula and in its Fig. 9. Number and width of fissures on the Reykja- nes peninsula. The number of fissures of a certain width are one-sided normally distributed (Sigurðsson 1985). Mynd 9. Samband víddar og fjölda sprungna. Fjöldi sprungna af ákveðinni vídd er einhliða mál- dreifður (Freysteinn Sigurðsson 1985). western part. Especially favourable are tectonic and/ or geomorphological basins filled with scoriaceous postglacial lavas and dissected by fissure swarms (fig. 10). Such is the situation in the freshwater supply area of Reykjavík and its suburbs, in the Straumsvík area, probably in the Strandarheiði area, (especially in the west) and in the Lágasvæði area, where Suðurnes Regional Heating extracts its freshwater (fig. 2). Southwest and south of that area are some very prom- ising areas situated near to the coast, the one on the south coast being the preferred area for the fishfarm- ing, which has been recently established on the Reykjanes peninsula. Areas with strong concentra- tions of coastal springs on the northern coast seem also to be interesting for exploitation. GROUNDWATER HYDROLOGY The groundwater outflow from the Reykjanes pen- insula is estimated to be 30—70 m3/s, depending on the definition of the area , distribution of precipitation and the rate of evapotranspiration. For the western- most part of the peninsula an outflow of 10—12 m3/s seems a reasonable estimate. The coastline of that part is at least 50—60 km long, so that the mean out- flow should be about 0.2 1/s for 1 m of the coast. The observed, visible outflow is usually less, and although it must be taken into account that locally the outflow is much greater, it is very probable that some outflow is taking place below sealevel. The extensive lavas 19
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