
Jökull - 01.12.1986, Page 22

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Page 22
Fig. 10. Permeable areas on the Reykjanes peninsula. The highest permeabilities are found in Postgla- cial lavas and fissure zones. Mynd 10. Vatnsgœf svœði. Lekt er mest í hraunum frá nútíma, einkum ef þau eru á sprungusvœðum. Explanations: 1. Permeable areas/vel lek svœði. 2. Fissurezones/sprungusvœði. 3. Strong groundwaters outflow. 4. Surface limits of interglacial ba- salts/mðrk grágrýtis á yfirborði. 5. Hycloclastite mountains/wó- bergsfjöll. HE5Í 0 5 10 15 Fig. 11. Schematic profile of coastal groundwater at Staður (location see fig. 10). Tidal waves have a strong effect on the groundwater in the highly permeable recent lavas at the coast. The result is a transition from freshwater to seawater (Orkustofnun & Vatnaskil 1986). Mynd 11. Fersk- vatnslag við strönd. Sjávarfallasveifl- ur í grunnvatni valda blöndun á ferskvatni og sjóvatni í hinum vel leku hraunum við ströndina (Orku- stofnun & Vatnaskil 1986). from the lava shields reach down to considerable depths below sea level at the coast, even 20 m or more. They may act as confined or semiconfined aquifers, conducting some overpressured groundwater out into the sea. Near to the coast some mixing of groundwater and seawater takes place due to tidal effects. The increase in salinity is discernible some hundred metres or more inland from the shore at some places (Tómasson & Tómasson 1966. Orkustofnun & Vatnaskil 1984). Under these circumstances the salin- ity of the groundwater gradually approaches that of the seawater until there is no measurable difference, where the water flows out from the rocks into the sea (fig- 11). There is then no difference in the density of the fluids so that a considerable part of the groundwater could flow out below sea level in hydrostatic equi- librium. In the coastal spring areas pure freshwater is flowing out into the sea, where it must be in floating equilibrium with the heavier seawater and a large part of the outflow must take place at or above sealevel, at least in unconfined aquifers (Sigurðsson 1976). The freshwater in the western part of the Reykjanes peninsula is floating on sea water in the rocks like oil on water.The freshwater layer is relatively thin ( fig- 20



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