
Jökull - 01.12.1986, Síða 24

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Síða 24
Fig 13. A profile of the groundwater along the Reykjanes peninsula. The groundwater table is much higher in the less permeable hyaloclastite mountains of the eastern peninsula than in the highly permeable lava series in its western part (Sigurðson 1985). Mynd 13. Grunnvatnssnið eft- ir Reykjanesskaga. Grunnvatnið stendur miklu hœrra í móbergsfjöll- unum á austanverðum skaganum, heldur en í hraununum á honum vestanverðum (Freysteinn Sigurðs- son 1985). ability are orders of magnitude greater than the dif- ferences in the infiltration/precipitation. The hydro- geological structures concentrate strong groundwater currents toward the spring areas on the northern border of the Reykjanes peninsula (Heiðmörk >3 m3/s; Straumsvík area >5 m3/s; Vatnsleysuvík and Vogavík, each probably >1 m3/s) (fig. 18). Investi- gations under progress show also that there is a strong outflow at the coast around Þorlákshöfn on the south- east border of the peninsula. Elsewhere along the coast the outflow seems to be more evenly distributed. GROUNDWATER QUALITY. The temperature of the groundwater is dependent on atmospheric as well as terrestrial factors. The temperature of the precipitation is variable: snowmelt water has a temperature close to 0°C, air and pre- cipitation temperature decreases with altitude, while the snow/rain ratio increases. A stay in ponds or at the surface can lead to heating from the sun or adjust- ment to the air and/or surface temperature. The tem- perature in the great springs usually remains relatively constant with time, as it represents mean values over long periods, (a number of years). Annual changes are often within 0.5°C. Great variations in temperature may indicate a local origin of the water. In the ground the water acquires a higher temperature due to the local or regional heat flow. The strongest in- fluence is from the numerous geothermal fields in the peninsula. The typical temperature of spring water is 3.5—4.5°C (Selvogur, Kaldársel, Straumsvík, Lága- svæði NW-part, etc.). Lower temperatures are met in the northernmost parts of the western peninsula, where snowmelt water may have a disproportionate effect because of excessive evapotranspiration during the summer, due to the soil conditions. In the western part of the peninsula the temperature increases to- wards the geothermal field of Svartsengi. The same probably applies to the other geothermal fields. South and southwest of Svartsengi the groundwater has a temperature of 6 — 15°C. West of Straumsvík tempera- tures of 6—8°C have been measured, probably indicat- ing an off-flow from the geothermal field of Trölla- dyngja. Temperatures of 5 —6°C have been measured in Þorlákshöfn and adjacent areas north of there Similar, or even higher, temperatures are found at the coast in Hafnir. On the south coast of the western peninsula freshwater temperatures are 7°C or higher. The relatively high temperatures there are favourable for the newly installed fishfarming industry. All tem- peratures higher than 5°C probably indicate geother- mal influences, except close to the coast where the mean annual temperature of the ocean can raise the temperature of the groundwater up to perhaps 7°C. The primary source of the chemical content of the freshwater is the chemistry of the precipitation, which has both marine and atmospheric factors (fig. 14). Most of the chloride in the freshwater is thought to be of marine origin, where no geothermal influx is pre- sent. A small part of the chloride may be traced to industrial smoke from both sides of the northern Atlantic, like some considerable part of the sulphate in the precipitation. Other elements and chemical compounds accompany the marine chloride in some- 22
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