
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Qupperneq 26

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Qupperneq 26
Fig. 15. Chemistry of groundwater in the western Reykjanes peninsula. The different sources of the chemical components can be distinguished in the groundwater chemistry (Sigurðsson 1985). Mynd 15. Efnainnihald í grunnvatni á vestanverðum Reykja- nesskaga. Greina má uppruna efna í grunnvatninu (Freysteinn Sigurðsson 1985). water is always left behind in the pores and fissures of the rocks, and will then be mixed with the water at the other end of the tidal amplitude. In course of time saline water is “pumped” step by step upwards into the freshwater, and freshwater the opposite way into the seawater. It can be seen that the greater the tidal amplitude , the higher is the salinity of the freshwater (fig. 16). The salinity increases along the flowpath of the groundwater as more and more seawater is added. Other causes for a transition layer at the bottom of the freshwater layer are the long term changes in the thickness of the layer, heterogenous flow-paths due to the geological structure and chemical diffusion. In the Lágasvæði area the transition layer occupies approxi- mately 15 m of the more than 50 m thickness of the freshwater layer. The temperature increases rapidly downwards in the transition layer compared with the low temperature gradient usually found in the fresh- water layer and the uppermost part of the seawater below it (fig. 11). The seawater is probably almost stagnant, at least at some distance away from the sea, while the freshwater is flowing horizontally. The transition layer has probably an intermediate position with regard to the flow, the velocity decreasing down- wards. Some layering has ben observed in the freshwater in the western part of the peninsula. The uppermost 5—6 m are commonly influenced by annual or epi- Fig. 16. Salination of freshwater through tidal effects. The salinity of the freshwater increases as the flowing groundwater approaches the coast (Orkustofnun & Vatnaskil 1986). Mynd 16. Aukning seltu í grunnvatni vegna sjávarfalla. Seltan eykst, þegar nœr dregur ströndinni (Orkustofnun & Vatnaskil 1986). 24
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