
Jökull - 01.12.1986, Blaðsíða 28

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Blaðsíða 28
Fig. 18. Freshwater utilization, present or planned, is mainly for communal uses or fishfarming. Mynd 18. Nýting ferskvatnsins er aðallega til almennrar neyzlu eða fiskeldis. Explanations/Skýringar: 1. Exploitation areas / vatnstökusvœði. 2. Supply lines / aðveitur. 3. Fishfarming areas / fiskeldissvœði. 4. Strong freshwater outflow / mikið ferskvatnsút- rennsli. 5. Estimated discharge from the area / áœtlað afrennsli af svœðinu. (m3/s) 6. High temperature geothermal field / háhitasvœði. serious problem in many communities. The total out- flow in the spring areas from Heiðmörk to Straumsvík is estimated to be up to 10 m3/s, so that there are still plentiful resources in this area (fig. 18). No accurate data is available for the settlements on the Rosm- hvalanes peninsula and the Keflavík airbase, but 0.25 m3/s is an acceptable estimate for the average extrac- tion. To this must be added great, but unknown, quantities of more or less saline water, that the fish industries are taking close to the coast. The total infiltration on the Rosmhvalanes penin- sula is perhaps near to 1.5 m3/s, so that the freshwater resources in this area are limited. The Suðurnes Regional Heating is at present extracting near to 0.3 m3/s on the average from the Lágasvæði area. This is a very favourable extraction area, situated in a highly permeable “bowl” within less permeable “walls” and with water of a high quality (fig. 17). West of a line Vogavík — Grindavík the total infiltration is probably near to 6 m3/s (fig. 9). Of this quantity only one-half or even less, remains potable water in the ground. The rest shows increased salinity and temperature because of geothermal and coastal effects. However the reserves for the present users seem to be sufficient for a time to come. On the other hand this is the future reserve area for the settlements on Rosmhvalanes. Growing interest in fishfarming in this area is creating increasing demands for freshwater. Farther east great, but unknown, reserves of freshwater are probaly avail- able in the area of Þorlákshöfn. On the northern coast notable reserves should be in the Vogavík — Vatns- leysuvík area, but information concerning quality as well as quantity is limited. As regards the whole peninsula the available resources seem to be sufficient to meet the communal needs for decades to come at a reasonable cost. This necessitates a coordination of the exploitation and timely measures to prevent pollution of the reserve areas. The reserve areas are very vulnerable to con- tamination of every kind because of the scanty vege- tation, thin or absent soil cover and the high perme- ability of the rocks. The freshwater resources are also in demand for other uses, especially for fishfarming and industry. These enterprises are at present on a preliminary stage, but the scale of the demands in question can be seen from the total sum of freshwater demand that has recently been mentioned in connec- tions with the various fishfarming projects on the westem part of the Reykjanes peninsula. This sum amounts to at least 6 m3/s (of 10—12 m3/s total in- filtration, of which only a part can be extracted. From this single example it seems clear, that the 26
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