
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Qupperneq 29

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Qupperneq 29
freshwater resources of the Reykjanes peninsula must be utilized in a well organised and coordinated manner, which almost certainly implies some ad- ministrative control. CONCLUSIONS The groundwater of the Reykjanes peninsula is very important from a national point of wiev, because it is the reservoir for the freshwater supply for 60% of the population of Iceland i.e. 150.000 inhabitants (fig. 2). This reservoir is also exploited by Suðurnes Regional Heating (heated freshwater for 20,000 inhabitants) and is in increasing demand for fishfarming and various other industries. These demands have at pre- sent reached several m3/s, while the communal ex- ploitation is near to 2 m3/s. This groundwater reservoir is plentiful because of the high precipitation in the area (1000—3000 mm/y, see fig. 4) and the high permeability of the young, vol- canic rocks (hydraulic conductivity 10"4 — 10"’ m/s) °f which the peninsula is composed (fig. 3). The permeability is still enhanced by the fissure zones running SW-NE across the volcanic zone stretching WSW-ESE along the peninsula, as well as the fissure zones alongside its northern margin (fig. 5). Some high temperature geothermal fields are located in the vol- canic zone. Where they have caused a strong alter- ation of the rocks, the permeability is drastically reduced. On the extensive lava fields in the western Part of the peninsula and at its northern coast the groundwater level is low, only 1—3 m asl., so that there the freshwater is floating in a thin layer, 30-100 m thick, on sea water in the rocks (fig. 12). By excessive pumping from the freshwater layer upconing of the sea water can take place, resulting in contamination of the freshwater. East of lake Kleifarvatn the groundwater level rises, probably up to 200 m asl., perhaps because of an up- damming by the geothermally strongly altered rocks to the west of the lake. The freshwater is usually clean and of a good Quality. The temperature is low, 3 —5°C. The chemi- cal content is also rather low, with a marine factor from the precipitation, expressed in the chloride con- tent (10—60 ppm) and a factor from reactions with the rocks (silica 10—20 ppm) (fig. 14). Higher concen- trations are found in the off-flow zones from the geothermal fields (fig. 15) where the temperature also rises up to 7— 10°C, and near to the coast, where salinity increases due to tidal effects on the thin fresh- water layer (fig. 16). At present the bulk of the fresh- water is not polluted because the settlements and industrial activities are all located at the coast. On the other hand the freshwater is very vulnerable against pollution because a vegetation and soil cover is thin or lacking on the peninsula. It is therefore urgent to take some measures to prevent pollution from e.g. quarrying and outdoor activities. Some measures must also be taken regarding the quantitative exploitation of the freshwater. The re- sources are sufficient for decades to come for the communal uses, but the increasing demands from fishfarming and industries could turn the scale in a less favourable way. Supply from outside the peninsula would then be both very expensive and difficult so it is necesssary to preserve the freshwater reservoir for future supply to the municipalities. This could per- haps be done with a long-term plan of exploitation, where the supply of communal needs were preferen- tial. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks are due to the Suðurnes Regional Heating and Iceland Salmon Ltd. for the kind permission to use the data obtained in investigations on behalf of these companies. REFERENCES Ágústsson, K. & Þórarinsson, F. 1979: Viðnámsmæl- ingar á Reykjanesskaga vegna ferskvatnsöflunar Hitaveitu Suðurnesja.). Orkustofnun (unnið fyrir Hitaveitu Suðurnesja/prepared for SRH), OS 79017/JKD04,43 p. Bjarnason, J.Ö. 1984: Eldvörp. Efnasamsetning jarð- sjávar og gufu úr holu EG-2. Orkustofnun (unnið fyrir Hitaveitu Suðurnesja/prepared for SRH ), OS 84071 / JHD 11,20 p. Einarsson, P. & Björnsson, S. 1980: Earthquakes in Iceland. Jökull 29, 37—43. Georgsson, L.S. 1979: Svartsengi. Viðnámsmælingar á utanverðum Reykjanesskaga. Orkustofnun (unnið fyrir Hitaveitu Suðurnesja/prepared for SRH) OS 79042 /JHD 20, 100 p. Georgsson, L.S. & Tulinius, H. 1983: Viðnámsmæl- ingar á utanverðum Reykjanesskaga 1981 og 1982. Orkustofnun (unnið fyrir Hitaveitu Suðurnesja/ prepared for SRH), OS 83049 / JHD 9, 70 p. Hauksson, T. 1980: Efnasamsetning heits grunnvatns og hitaveituvatns. Orkustofnun, OS 80023/JHD 12, 38 p. Ingimarsson, J. & Kjaran, S.P. 1978: Svartsengi. Framvinduskýrsla um ferskvatnsathuganir. Orku- stofnun (Straumfræðistöð) (unnið fyrir Hitaveitu 27
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