
Jökull - 01.12.1986, Síða 48

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Síða 48
the margins of the bog, the sequence of peat and tephra horizons is interrupted in places by lenses of gravel, sand and silt. The sedimentology suggests a bog whose surface is intermittently covered with flood water, with small streams that move in an irregular pattern across its surface. These streams, probably ephemeral flow from snow melt, may have brought in material from the sides of the basin which was then deposited because of the low energy associated with the gentler angles of the bog surface and because the sediment was trapped by vegetation. Aeolian material has also been deposited on the surface, contributing to the much higher inorganic content of the upper part of the stratigraphy. The semi-enclosed nature of the basin allows the inorganic content to be used as an indicator of the amount of material being brought into the basin by the various geomorphological processes. At Ketils- stadir, the Landnám tephra in the lower part of the section provides a marker for pre- and post-Settle- ment organic deposition and this content can be com- pared with the inorganic. The evidence from other areas (Thórarinsson, 1961; 1981) is one of increasing erosion and consequent deposition in basins since Landnám. A series of loss on ignition tests on samples through the organic parts of the succession was some- what inconclusive (fig. 6). Valid conclusions are diffi- cult to make because of variability, both spatially and temporally, in inorganic inputs and the sampling problems this poses; aeolian sediment may have been reworked during the spring melts before becoming in- corporated in the peat and organic silts. In the limited depth of stratigraphy which could be observed, the situation pre-Landnám appears to have been fairly stable, apart from one abnormally high value in the loss on ignition tests (fig. 6). There is a slight increase in inorganic content immediately after Landnám and then a gentle decline until the tephra layer associated with the —1357 eruption of Katla is reached. This is by far the thickest tephra layer and the sample from the peat immediately below may have been contaminated, contributing to the high inorganic content. This thickness of tephra may have instigated local erosion by killing the vegetation as well as itself being weathered and moved by geo- morphological processes. This is tentatively inferred from the higher inorganic content in the peat immedi- ately above the tephra. The modern drainage of the basin seems largely to have stabilised the former bog surface. Although some erosion continues on the rofbards of the surrounding overgrazed slopes, both screes and other surfaces show some evidence of revegetation and the major changes of the last one thousand years may be giving way to a new stasis. MODERN FLORA AND FAUNA A limited survey of modern flora and fauna was carried out so as to place in context the interpretation of the fossil remains. A survey of the area was made during two summers (D.R.S.) and the plant species recorded were assigned to five habitat zones. Within each of these, Domin cover values for all species in randomly located quadrats were recorded. These were converted to a percentage scale (Bannister, 1966) and analysed using the CLUSTAN computer package (Wishart, 1978). The resulting dendrograms support the subjective delineation of five habitat zones sur- rounding the Ketilsstadir sampling area: 1. Hayfield on the former bog surface, now drained and reseeded, dominated by the grasses Phleum pratense, Festuca spp. and Poa spp., with wetland species confined to ditches. 2. Improved pasture, formerly scythed hayfield; diverse, highly anthropogenic flora with many species typical of disturbed and broken ground (e.g. Rumex acetosa). 3. Unimproved pasture, lightly grazed by sheep; intermediate zone dominated by grasses with much Equisetum arvense, Luzula multiflora and Alchemilla filicaulis. 4. Upper slopes, discontinuous eroded pasture; grasses, mosses and much bare ground with extensive growth of arctic/alpine types (e.g. Erigeron boreale, Alchemilla alpina and Potentilla crantzií). 5. Summit, heavily grazed and nearly bare; cushions of Silene acaulis and Thymus praecox, with scattered Cardaminopsis petraea, Galium normanii and Koenigia islandica. Collection of invertebrates was restricted to the Coleoptera (beetles), the group which provides the most frequent identifiable fossils. A transect from the ridge to the bog surface was searched and swept. Although variations in the physical environment in- fluence capture and hence numbers of individuals, the resulting faunas may be compared with the fossil ones. The ground beetle Notiophilus biguttatus seemed the most eurytopic species, whilst Nebria gyllenhali, Bembidion grapei, Amara quenseli, Lath- robium fulvipenne, Hypnoidus riparius and Otiorhyn- chus arcticus are characteristic of the bare ridge crest (vegetation zone 5). N. gyllenhali was also found in open, unvegetated parts of the peaty ditch banks. In 46
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