
Jökull - 01.12.1986, Síða 54

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Síða 54
Table 3: Sample groups 1 and 2 from Ketilsstadir (for discus- sion, see text). Ward’s method/ Euclidean distance groupings Sample number 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 KEl/1 1/2 3/1 4/1 BRl/2 KEl/5 2/2 3/2 4/2 KE/SUPP BRl/3 1/4 1/5 Post Land- 1/6 nám 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 KEl/3 BRl/11 1/12 Group average/ Jaccard groupings 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1/13 3 3 KEl/6 3 3 4/3 3 3 BRl/14 3 3 1/15 3 3 KEl/4 3 3 BRl/17 3 3 PreLand- 1/18 3 2 nam 1/19 3 3 1/20 3 3 1/21 3 3 1/22 3 3 KEl/7 3 3 1/8 3 3 1/9 3 3 1/10 3 3 1/12 3 2 1/13 2 3 1/14 3 3 1/15 3 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Post Landnám 7 8 6 Pre Landnám 0 1 19 52 the tephra layers. The use of several contemporaneous samples, facilitated by tracing tephra horizons across the former surface of the bog (Buckland et al., 1981), can help to clarify spatial variations in the palaeo- environment, although the low diversity of the Ice- landic fauna and the relatively small numbers of individuals in the Ketilsstadir samples raises doubts as to the statistical validity of any comparisons. In such situations, Perry et al. (1985) have recently advocated the use of cluster analysis and two of the hierarchical techniques used therein were applied to the Ketils- stadir data (table 3) using the CLUSTAN package (Wishart, 1978; for a further example, see Perry, 1981). Three broad groupings are apparent4. Group 1 is exclusively post-Landnám and group 2 is pre- dominantly so. Group 3 is represented throughout the whole sequence. Taken together groups 1 and 2 are clearly indicative of a pronounced environmental change in the post-Landnám period (fig. 7). Taking group 1 to be the most extreme, the respective faunas clearly show the environmental impact of man’s pre- sence and the greater habitat diversity created by his activities. The analyses support the suggestion that the bog became intermittently less wet after Settlement, with an increased minerogenic input and a more diverse flora. Such effects can be explained by over- grazing on the surrounding slopes, medieval peat exploitation and introductions by man. That the Group 1 type faunas are not in the majority in the post-Landnám period is probably due in part to sampling effects, but, most importantly, seems to be a consequence of the —1357 eruption of Katla. The post —1357 faunas are markedly impoverished, sug- gesting that this ashfall had a major environmental impact, which is still evident in the highest samples. Although the modern faunas grouped together with the post-Landnám samples, they were not in Group 1. There would seem to be two reasons for this: they re- present a biased snapshot of the actual living faunas, and are necessarily less diverse because of this, and the present day environment at Ketilsstadir is un- doubtedly a further development from the one under consideration. Species groupings were also detected (table 4) and provide a more detailed indication of the impact of man and his livestock. Group 1 contains species which are the characteristic ‘core assemblage’ of the bog environment, occurring right through the succes- sion. They emphasise the damp, vegetated nature of the former bog surface and the presence of ephemer- al pools. This is not an association which can be re- garded as typical at the present day, which presum-
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