
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Qupperneq 55

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Qupperneq 55
Table 4: Species groups 1 and 2 from Ketilsstadir (for discussion, see text). Species Group 1 Lathrobium brunnipes Quedius umbrinus Stenus spp. Hydroporus nigrita Hydraena britteni Species Group 2 Patrobus septentrionis Lesteva longoelytrata Hypnoidus riparius Othius angustus Gabrius trossulus Aphodius lapponum Aleocharinae indet. Otiorhynchus nodosus ably reflects the changing nature of the ‘natural’ en- vironment. The most likely explanation of this dis- crepancy, aside from the possibility of climatic change, is the activity of man in altering the bog habi- tat for his own purposes. Group 2 appears to be a characteristic post-Land- nam association. Of these, Patrobus septentrionis, Otiorhynchus nodosus and the Aleocharinae occur Pre-Landnám, the remainder are exclusively post- Landnám, although several are known elsewhere in earlier deposits (Buckland et al., 1986). Only Aphodius lapponum is directly associated with man. The species are all commensurate with a somewhat drier, more diverse habitat than that of the natural bog. CONCLUSION The overview obtained by a study of the macrofos- sils from the Ketilsstadir bog is one of relatively low species diversity but high numbers prior to the arrival of man. The bog surface seems to have been wetter before Landnám and the anthropogenic influence on the locality, reflected in an increased mineral com- ponent of the deposits and changes in the insect faunas, may well relate to grazing pressure, causing erosion of the surrounding slopes and modifying the flora of the bog and its environs. Some local drying of the surface may relate to medieval peat exploitation. The extensive and relatively frequent falls of tephra would seem to have had no significant long term effects upon the biota of the bog. As noted above, however, the faunas from above the 300mm thick tephra from the eruption of Katla in —1357, which must have brought about widespread local extinction of biota and temporary abandonment of farms in the area, are much poorer than those immediately below, suggesting that reimmigration from the nearest ‘refugia’ may have been a protracted process, although a more extensive sampling programme would be necessary to test the statistical validity of this state- ment. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This multidisciplinary research project could not have been carried out without the ready cooperation of colleagues both in Iceland and Britain. Historical and palaeoecological research has been funded by a major award from the Leverhulme Trust to whom primary acknowledgement must be made. In the field the assistance of J.M. Buckland, A.J. Dugmore and Mr. & Mrs. J.R.A. Greig is gratefully acknowledged and the results owe much to discussions with the late Kristján Eldjárn and the late Sigurdur Thórarinsson; Erling Ólafsson kindly commented upon the fossil insect data and G.R. Coope and P.J. Osborne com- mented upon the various drafts of the manuscript. Fieldwork was carried out in Iceland under National Research Council permit nos. 1/80 and 48/80. The cooperation of the farmers in the Ketilsstadir area is appreciatively noted. FOOTNOTES 1. Landnámabók — an account of the discovery and settlement of Iceland, compiled in the late 13th century (Benediktsson, 1969) or even early 12th century (Rafnsson, 1974). 2. h = hundred, a measure usually expressed in long- hundreds = 120; lh = 120 ells homespun or one cow in value, i.e. the value of a 4 —8 yr. old cow which had calved once. 3. Hired cattle provided a form of rent; the lease- holder was obliged to rent a certain number of cattle from the owner. 4. This information updates that previously pub- lished in Buckland et al., (1981). In that paper, a lapsus calumni allowed the weevil Tropiphorus obtusus to be listed as Hypera suspiciosa. REFERENCES Balfour-Browne, F. 1958; British Water Beetles, 3. Ray Society, London. Bannister, P. 1960: The use of subjective estimates of cover-abundance as the basis of ordination. Jour- nal of Ecology, 54: 665—674. Benediktsson, J. 1969: Landnámabók. Some remarks on its value as a historical source. Saga-Book, 17: 275-292. 53
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