
Jökull - 01.12.1986, Side 74

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Side 74
CONCLUSION Finally, we may sum up some of the variations in the climate of Iceland during the years 1701 to 1784. The winter-spring thermal index for the whole of Ice- land shows that its mildest phase occurred at the start of the period, from 1701 to 1710. A cooling trend pre- dominates from c. 1710 to c. 1750. The coldest decades were the 1740s and 1750s. As far as the whole of Iceland is concerned the 1740s appear to have been slightly colder than the 1750s, but the thermal index is based on winters and springs alone. During the 1750s there were several very cold summers. It is possible, therefore, that if the index had included all seasons of the year, this decade would have proved to be the coldest of the period. It is certainly during the 1750s rather than the 1740s that the climate appears to have had most impact on society (Ogilvie, 1981). During the 1760s there was an amelioration in the weather, but after 1771 a further cooling occurred. With the exception of 1781, which had a mild winter and fruitful summer in most places, the first few years of the 1780s were extremely cold with severe winters, cool summers and much sea ice. That there is a broad agreement between tempera- ture and sea ice can be seen by comparing the thermal index with the sea-ice index. The positive relationship is striking in certain decades, the 1740s for example. However, there are decades where ice and tempera- ture appear to conflict. In the 1730s, for example, the climate was fairly cold, but there was little ice, while from 1701 to 1710 there was much ice, but the tem- perature was relatively mild. The climate of Iceland is noted for its variability on all time scales, and the period considered here, 1701 to 1784, was no exception to this general rule. Con- siderable regional variability was also observed. The over-riding impression of the climate in the eighteenth century is, however, one of great severity, character- istic of the Little Ice Age. From a climatological and environmental point of view, the most interesting year of the century was undoubtedly 1783 to 1784. From the point of view of the people who experienced it, it was certainly the most devástating. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I acknowledge with thanks the help and advice I have received over several years from Dr. Páll Berg- þórsson (Veðurstofa íslands), Professor Þórhallur Vilmundarson (Örnefnastofnun), Sjöfn Kristjánsdóttir (Landsbókasafn Islands), Aðalgeir Kristjánsson (Þjóðskjalasafn íslands), Professor Jónas Kristjánsson (Stofnun Árna Magnussonar) and, especially, the late Professor Sigurður Þórarinsson. For comments on the manuscript I am grateful to Dr. Mick Kelly (Climatic Research Unit) and Dr. Gísli Gunnarsson (Háskóli Is- lands). The manuscript was typed by Ms. Nicky Yallop. Collection of some of the data used here was supported by NA TO research grant no. 0233/83. REFERENCES MANUSCRIPT SOURCES Þjóðskjalasafn (National Archives), Reykjavík Bréf úr Árnessýslu til Stiftamtmanns 1711 — 1750, 1751- 1785 Bréf úr Austur-Skaftafellssýslu til Stiftamtmanns 1709-1786 Bréf úr Barðastrandarsýslu til Stiftamtmanns 1709-1785 Bréf úr Dalasýslu til Stiftamtmanns 1704—1785 Bréf úr Húnavatnssýslu til Stiftamtmanns 1711 — 1735, 1736-1792 Bréf úr Isafjarðarsýslu til Stiftamtmanns 1707—1803 Bréf úr Múlaþingi til Stiftamtmanns 1708—1768 Bréf úr Rangárvallasýslu til Stiftamtmanns 1711-1750, 1751-1785 Bréf úr Skagafjarðarsýslu til Stiftamtmanns 1708-1740, 1741-1790 Bréf úr Snœfellsnessýslu til Stiftamtmanns 1711-1803 Bréf úr Þingeyjarsýslu til Stiftamtmanns 1707—1751, 1752- 1803 Islands Journal 5, fylgiskjöl nr. 375: Rtk. 40.5 1780-1782 Islands Journal 5, fylgiskjöl nr. 618: Rtk. 40.90 1780-1782 Islands Journal 6, fylgiskjöl nr. 218: Rtk. 41.4 1782-1786 Islands Journal 6, fylgiskjöl nr. 420: Rtk. 41.6 1782-1786 Islands Journal 6, fylgiskjöl nr. 566: Rtk. 41.8 1782-1786 Islands Journal 6, fylgiskjöl nr. 1408: Rtk. 41.17 1782-1786 Landsbókasafn (National Library), Reykjavík The Jón Jónssons’ Weather Diary, Lbs 332 8vo Sauðlauksdalsannáll Lbs 230 fol. PUBLISHED WORKS Annálar 1400-1800, I-, 1922-: Hið íslenzka Bók- menntafélag, Reykjavík. Bell, W.T. and A.E.J. Ogilvie 1978: Weather compi- 72



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