
Jökull - 01.12.1986, Page 100

Jökull - 01.12.1986, Page 100
JÖKULL No. 36, 1986 Contents — Efni *Arnórsson, S. Ólafsson, G.: A Model for the Reykholtsdalur and the Upper-Árnessýsla Geothermal Systems with a discussion on some Geological and Geothermal Processes in SW-Iceland .................... 1 Kristjánsson, L.: Ritskrár Sigurðar Þórarinssonarog Trausta Einarssonar. Enn nokkrir viðaukar ............. 10 *Sigurðsson, F.: Hydrogeology and Groundwater on the Reykjanes Peninsula.................................. 11 Pálmason, G.: Minning. Alexander A. Krasnov, jarðfræðingur ............................................ 30 *Hardardóttir, V.: The Petrology of the Maelifell Picrite Basalt, South Iceland............................. 31 *Buckland, P.C., Gerrard, J.J., Larsen, G., Perry, D.W., Savory, D.R., Sveinbjarnardóttir, G. The Holocene Paleoecology at Ketilsstadir in Mýrdalur, South Iceland..................... 41 Kristinsson, B.: Tvíhlaup á Skeiðarársandi 1986 .......................................................... 56 *Ogilvie, A.E.J.: TheClimate oflceland, 1701 —1784 ........................................................ 57 Kristmannsdóttir, H.: Starfsemi Jarðfræðafélags íslands 1985—1986 ............................................... 74 *Guðmundsson, A.T.: Mat á búskap og afrennsli Tungnaárjökuls ogBrúajökuls í Vatnajökli....................... 75 Rist, S.: Jöklabreytingar 1964/65 - 1973/74 (10 ár), 1974/75 - 1873/84 (10 ár) og 1984/1985 ....... 83 Rit, S.: Minning: Guðmundur Jónasson................................................................ 91 Rist, S.: Jöklarannsóknafélag íslands. Skýrsla um starfsemina 1985 ................................ 93 Kristmannsdóttir, H.: Starfsemi Jarðfræðafélags íslands 1984—1985 ............................................... 95 Jöklarannsóknafélag íslands. Reikningar ...................................................... 96 *denotes reviewed scientific papers.



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