Tölvumál - 01.10.2012, Blaðsíða 17

Tölvumál - 01.10.2012, Blaðsíða 17
17 designed and developed as an online game, in a computer based support, and tested with a second group of students (n=16). In this case the dyads interaction was performed through a chat application within the game. This interaction tool aimed to promote and facilitate metacognitive processes among dyads. In order to analyse user’s acceptance of the online game, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) survey was distributed among users with some variations from the original model (Davies 1986). The TAM has been considered in recent studies as a model of analysing e-learning since the rise of educational technologies. It is basically meant to be influenced by the degree to which users consider an IT system to improve their performance (perceived usefulness) and their perception of the IT tool facility of use (perceived ease of use). The users’ performance of the two different contexts was analysed in order to find out whether there were significant differences on the results among the two different environments. The results were gathered at the three different stages of the game. In stage 1 the learners’ performed individually, in stage 2, they corrected their peers, and in the 3rd stage they were required to reach a joint agreement within their dyad. Two hypotheses were formulated. The first hypothesis presumed a better performance in the collaborative phase of the game in the computer supported context. It could be due to some scaffolding elements, not present in the face-to-face context and also because of a chat application tool. This tool could allow peers to interact efficiently by supporting the sharing of knowledge and performance information (Engelman, Dehler, Bodemer, & Buder, 2009). Nevertheless results concluded that the highest and significant differences appeared only in the individual stage, where the paper-based groups perform higher (m=5.13; sd=0.89) than the computer-based group (m=4.5; sd=0.79). In both other stages the differences are not significant. A second hypothesis considered better results in the collaborative stage for those participants with a higher e-learning self-efficacy according to their self-reported answers at the TAM. Based on the results gathered in this specific experience, we can conclude by saying that there is a slight difference, and an effect, on students’ performance depending on the type of game context provided. The results of this initial study on the comparison of face-to-face and computer-based game have been developed with fairly reduced number of participants (n=34) where the students’ initial finance literacy was not homogenous. Despite the limits of this experience, performance similarities outlined in this initial study together with teachers’ readiness to distribute the digital release of the game, has allowed to facilitate its use and spreading; nowadays only the computer-based release is used. ReFeRenCes Carlson, E. (1969). Learning through Games: A New Approach to Problem Solving. Public Affairs Press. Engelmann, T., Dehler, J., Bodemer, D. & Buder, J. (2009). Knowledge awareness in CSCL: A psychological perspective. Computers in Human Behaviour, 25(4), 949-960. Foreman, J. (2003). Next-Generation Educational Technology versus the Lecture. Educause Review, 38(4), 12. Fuentes, M., Romero, M. & Serrano, M. J. (2011). E-Learning: Psycho- Pedagogical Utility, Usability and Accessibility Criteria from a Learner Centred Perspective. In Lazarinis, F., Green, S., & Pearson, E. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on E­Learning Standards and Interoperability: Frameworks and Issues. (pp. 419- 434). Kim, B., Park, H. & Baek, Y. (2009). Not just fun, but serious strategies: Using meta-cognitive strategies in game-based learning. Computers and Education, 52(4), 800 810. Preece, J., Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., Benyon, D., Holland, S. & Carey, T. (1994). Human­Computer Interaction, Addison-Wesley: Harlow. Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Game­Based Learning. NY:McGraw-Hill. Tricot, A. (2007). Apprentissages et documents numériques. Paris: Belin. Based on the results gathered in this specific experience, we can conclude by saying that there is a slight difference, and an effect, on students’ performance depending on the type of game context provided.



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