Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Qupperneq 129

Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Qupperneq 129
68 Manntalið 1960 Tafla 25 (frh.). Mannfjöldinn í lieild eftir 239 Annar vefjariðnaður manuf. of textilcs n. e. c........................... 24 Skógerð, fatagerð og framl. á öðrum fullunnum vefnaðarvörum manuf. of footwear, other wearing apparel and made-up textile goods ....... 241 Skógerð, önnur en gúmskógerð manuf. of footwear, except rubber footwcar 242 Skóviðgerðir repair of shoes ......................................... 243 Fatagerð manuf. of wearing apparel, excepl footwcar .................. 244 Framleiðsla á öðrum fullunnum vefnaðarvörum manuf. of made-up texlile goods, except ivearing apparel....................................... 25 Timbur- og korkiðnaður, nema húsgagna og innréttingasmíði manuf. of wood and cork, except furniture ................................. 252 Trétunnu-, trékassa- og körfugerð manuf. of wooden and cane containers etc. 259 Annar trjávöruiðnaður manuf. of ivood and cork n.e.c..................... 26 Húsgagna- og innréttingasmíði manuf. of furniture and fixtures ....... 261 Húsgagnagerð manufacture of furniture ................................ 262 Innréttingasmíði manufacture of fixtures.............................. 27 Pappírsiðnaður manufacture of paper and papcr products ............... 28 Prentun, bóka- og blaðaiðnaður printing, publishing and allicd industries 281 Prentun printing ..................................................... 282 Prentmyndagerð plioto-engraving ...................................... 283 Bókband bookbinding .................................................. 284 Blaða- og bókaútgáfa publishing of neivspapcrs, books etc............. 29 Skinna- og leðuriðnaður, annar en skó- og fatagerð manuf. of leather and leather and fur prod., cxcept footwcar and wearing apparel.......... 291 Sútun og verkun skinna tanncrics, leather finishing plants etc........... 293 Leðuriðnaður, annar cn skó- og fatagerð (hanzkagerð þó meðtalin) manuf. of leather products, except foolwear etc............................ 30 Gúmiðnaður manufacture of rubber products ............................ 31 Kemískur iðnaður manuf. of chemicals and chemic. prod................. 311 Kemískur undirstöðuiðnaður basic industrial chemicals, incl. fertilizers 312 Hvalvinnsla whale oil, mcal and meat ................................. 313 Lifrarbræðsla, lýsishreinsun og lýsisherzla refining and hydrogcnation of oils and fats ...................................................... 314 Síldar- og fiskmjölsvinnsla herring and fish oil and meal ............ 315 Málningar- og lakkgerð manuf. of paints, varnishes and laqucrs ....... 319 önnur kemísk framleiðsla manuf. of miscellaneous chemical products 32 Þakpappagerð manuf. of roofing fclt .................................. 33 Stcinefnaiðnaður, annar en málm-, kola- og olíuiðnaður manuf. of other non-metallic mineral products, incl. mining and quarrying .......... 332 Gleriðnaður manuf. of glass and glass products ....................... 333 Leirsmíði og postulínsiðnaður manuf. of pottery, china and earthenwarc 334 Sementsframleiðsla manufacture of cement ............................. 335 Grjót-, malar- og sandnám stone quarrying, gravel and sand pits ...... 339 Annar steinefnaiðnaður manuf. of non-metallic mineral products n. e. c. 35 Málmsmíði, önnur en flutningstækja- og rafmagnstækjagerð manuf. of metal products and machincry ............................................. 37 Smíði og viðgerðir rafmagnstækja manufacture of electrical machinery, apparatus etc....................................................... 38 Smíði og viðgerðir flutningstækja manuf. of transport equipment ...... 381 Skipasmiði og viðgerðir ship building and rcpairing .................... | 1 I 2 [ 3 5 2 351 337 228 1 710 76 444 244 200 3 384 1 990 1 394 164 2 367 1 346 112 283 626 199 130 69 253 2 284 390 115 137 1 163 207 272 10 1 475 98 32 522 187 636 5 658 703 4 969 1 431 1 1 355 158 91 1 076 30 154 75 79 1 126 672 454 77 923 499 36 149 239 80 51 29 75 781 110 55 53 367 87 109 3 440 35 10 146 54 195 1 939 242 1 559 458 4 996 179 137 634 46 290 169 121 2 258 1 318 940 87 1 444 847 76 134 387 119 79 40 178 1 503 280 60 84 796 120 163 7 1 035 63 22 376 133 441 3 719 461 3 410 973 Manntalið 1960 69 undirgreinum atvinnuvegaflolckunar o. fl. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 - - - 0 - - - - - 4 - 285 162 106 802 34 179 14 19 20 160 781 215 58 8 34 58 11 18 3 1 8 17 170 9 64 1 22 4 4 2 2 - 2 2 136 1 146 150 46 734 16 156 7 18 9 138 432 202 17 3 4 6 3 3 2 - 1 3 43 3 106 5 38 5 16 3 10 1 6 2 284 6 57 2 13 3 13 2 9 - 4 2 166 3 49 3 25 2 3 1 1 1 2 118 3 789 6 322 9 100 1 60 - 40 1 2 251 7 466 3 194 9 50 1 30 - 20 1 1 315 3 323 3 128 - 50 0 30 20 - 936 4 32 4 16 25 6 9 2 1 4 8 83 4 471 36 243 173 40 27 15 1 25 26 1 392 52 280 12 150 57 21 10 7 - 14 10 831 16 22 _ 12 2 2 1 - - 2 1 76 - 41 11 25 72 3 13 2 - i 13 121 13 128 13 56 42 14 3 6 1 8 2 364 23 48 3 14 15 10 7 4 _ 6 7 116 3 33 3 11 4 8 3 4 - 4 3 76 3 15 - 3 11 2 4 - - 2 4 40 - 65 - 9 1 9 0 7 - 2 - 178 - 512 16 171 82 115 17 67 3 48 14 1 482 21 81 1 22 6 6 2 4 1 2 1 277 3 26 - 23 6 16 2 5 - 11 2 60 — 37 1 14 1 10 0 6 _ 4 - 83 1 281 2 78 6 71 3 47 1 24 2 794 2 38 4 18 27 8 5 2 1 6 4 114 6 49 8 16 36 4 5 3 1 5 154 9 3 - - - 0 - - - - 7 - 330 4 89 17 61 4 45 1 16 3 1 030 5 22 1 8 4 3 0 2 - 1 - 62 1 6 _ _ 4 0 2 - - - 2 22 111 2 24 9 8 2 7 1 1 1 374 2 44 _ 10 - 8 - 7 - 1 133 - 147 1 47 42 0 29 _ 13 — 439 2 299 7 595 38 243 6 132 - 111 6 3 707 12 169 2 60 11 12 4 7 1 5 3 459 2 155 3 395 6 227 0 144 - 83 - 3 404 6 336 2 118 2 101 0 69 - 32 970 3
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Hagskýrslur um manntöl

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