Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Page 132

Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Page 132
72 Manntalið 1960 Tafla 25 (frh.). Mannfjöldinn í heild eftir tæki, reiðhjól, barnavagnar o. fl. import and sale (incl. resalc) of construct- ion matcrials, machinery, raiv materials for other industries etc 2 280 827 1 453 601 Samband ísl. sainvinnufélaga, þó ekki sérrekstrardeildir Federation of co-operative societies 596 243 353 609 Aðrar beildverzlanir ivholesalcrs n. c. c 985 346 639 611 Smásala: Mjólk og brauð retail sale: milk and bread 505 286 219 612 Smásala: Fiskur fishmongers 271 79 192 613 Smásala: Kjöt- og nýlenduvörur og almcnnar matvöruverzlanir mcat and grocery stores and gcneral food stores 1 660 718 942 614 Smásala: Tóbak, sælgæti, gosdrykkir og ís, þ. á m. söluturnar rclail sale: tobacco, confectionery, nonalcoholic bevcrages and icc-cream 287 146 141 615 Utsölustaðir áfengis retail sale: ivines and spirits 70 26 44 616 Smásala: Blórn retail sale: floivers 46 26 20 617 Smásala: vefnaðarvörur, fatnaður o. fl. retail sale: textiles, wearing apparel 804 449 355 618 Smásala: Skófatnaður retail sale: shoes 122 60 62 619 Smásala: Bækur og ritföng retail sale: books and stationary 306 140 166 620 Smásala: Lyf chcmist shops 187 91 96 621 Smásala: Búsáhöld, liúsgögn, raftæki til heimilisnota, önnur heimilistæki, reiðhjól, barnavagnar o. fl. retail sale: kitchen utcnsils, furniture, clectrical and other houschold applianccs, bicyclcs, prams etc 442 166 276 622 Smásala: Úr, gull- og silfurmunir, skartgripir, ljósmynda- og sjóntæki, hljóðfæri, grammófónplötur, snyrtivörur o. fl. retail sale: ivatches, clocks, precious metals, photographic and optical goods, musical instrum., records and cosmetics 413 217 196 623 Benzínstöðvar og smurstöðvar gasolinc filling stations and rclated services 696 213 483 624 Smásala: Almennar kaupfélagaverzlanir general mcrchandisc stores: consumer co-operatives 3 124 1 183 1 941 625 Smásala: Almennar kaupmannavcrzlanir general mcrchandise stores: merchants 1 143 470 673 626 Smásala: Ymsar sérverzlanir, ót.a. miscellaneous specializcd stores .... 131 58 73 629 önnur smásöluvcrzlun retail trade n. e. c 18 5 13 63 Bankar og aðrar peningastofnanir banks and othcr financial institutions 1 591 686 905 630 Bankar og sjóðir í tengslum við þá banks and closely related institutions 1 347 577 770 631 Sparisjóðir og sjóðir í tengslum við þá savings banks and relatcd institutions 171 74 97 632 Ilappdrætti lolteries 61 30 31 633 Aðrar pcningastofnanir othcr financial institutions 12 5 7 64 Tryggingar insurancc 792 308 484 641 Almannatryggingar social insurance 272 111 161 642 Líftryggingar, lífeyrissjóðir og aðrar tryggingar life insurance, pension funds and other insurance 520 197 323 65 Fasteignarekstur o. fl. real estate 46 22 24 7 Samgöngur transporl, storagc and communication 14 880 5 081 9 799 71 -72 Flutningastarfsemi transport 12 620 4 137 8 483 712 Rekstur strætisvagna og langferðabíla omnibus opcralors 1 003 263 740 713 Aðrir fólksflutningar á landi road passenger transport, except omnibus operators 2 534 717 1 817 714 Vöruflutningar á landi, ót. a. road transport n. e. c 2 671 797 1 874 715 Flutningar á sjó ocean transport, incl. coastal ivater transport 4 413 1 716 2 697 716 Hafnir og vitar operation of harbours and lighthouses 398 125 273 Manntalið 1960 73 undirgreinum atvinnuvegafloklcunar o. fl. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 518 9 184 116 46 12 20 26 12 1 442 11 132 3 66 42 6 2 3 _ 3 2 349 4 213 14 76 43 18 4 8 1 10 3 618 21 56 39 19 172 7 53 6 2 1 51 156 63 72 - 6 1 8 1 8 - 1 192 314 41 114 249 48 77 19 8 29 69 872 70 40 22 8 76 0 19 _ 2 - 17 108 33 15 1 4 6 1 0 1 - - - 41 3 9 2 4 11 0 3 - 2 1 18 2 97 71 28 253 4 22 3 1 1 21 259 96 16 8 5 31 1 4 - 1 1 3 48 14 53 9 15 63 4 7 2 3 2 4 151 15 30 8 4 49 4 3 3 “ 1 3 84 12 97 13 19 37 6 2 3 1 3 1 262 14 64 25 10 118 2 16 - 3 2 13 165 31 162 - 50 1 30 1 18 - 12 1 483 - 613 55 220 295 130 62 68 8 62 54 1 874 67 248 21 70 131 30 34 16 3 14 31 646 27 25 2 11 20 1 1 1 - - 1 70 3 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - - - 13 - 329 36 114 207 16 8 9 - 7 8 862 43 278 29 96 174 8 7 3 - 5 7 734 36 38 4 14 18 6 0 5 - 1 - 93 4 10 3 3 14 2 1 1 - 1 1 28 3 3 - 1 1 0 0 - - - - 7 - 166 16 38 88 5 7 4 - 1 7 463 21 57 7 15 32 0 4 - - - 4 152 9 109 9 23 56 5 3 4 - 1 3 311 12 11 3 2 6 0 2 - - - 2 21 3 3 324 132 1152 473 571 65 296 11 275 54 9 614 185 2 909 41 1 005 182 530 29 285 5 245 24 8 430 53 221 2 34 6 21 0 17 - 4 - 738 2 588 6 99 24 51 3 42 _ 9 3 1 807 10 623 1 167 6 117 1 78 - 39 1 1 873 1 1 023 12 613 68 307 16 127 3 180 13 2 681 16 108 2 14 1 10 0 9 - 1 - 271 2
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Hagskýrslur um manntöl

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