Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Page 137

Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Page 137
76 Manntalið 1960 Tafla 25 (frh.). Mannfjöldinn í heild eftir I 1 I 2 ! 3 841 Lcikhús, hljóinsveitir o. fl. theatres, orchcstras clc 344 133 211 842 Útvarp og sjónvarp radio and television 213 74 139 843 íþróttir o. fl. sports ctc 180 75 105 844 Aðrar skemmtanir miscellaneous recreation services 120 49 71 85 Pcrsónulcg þjónusta personal services 3 684 2 223 1 461 851 Heimilishjú domestic services 1 004 818 186 852 Veitingahús restaurants 1 002 549 453 853 Gistihús hotels 233 141 92 854 Þvottahús og efnalaugar laundries and laundry scrviccs, clcaning and dyeing 560 287 273 855 Rakarastofur barbcrs 333 116 217 856 Hárgreiðslustofur og snyrtistofur beauty shops 138 114 24 857 Ljósmyndastofur porlrait and commercial photographic studios 151 71 80 858 Útfarir, bálstofur, kirkjugarðar undertaking, cremating and churchyards 60 28 32 859 Ýmis persónuleg þjónusta og ræsting atvinnuhúsnæðis, ef atvinnugrein var ekki tilgreind misccllaneous personal serv 203 99 104 86 Rithöfundar, listmálarar, myndhöggvarar, tónskáld authors, painters, sculptors and composers 179 77 102 87 Varnarliðsvinna in scrvice of the Defence Force 2 023 802 1 221 870 I þjónustu vcrktaka varnarliðsins in servicc of Defence Force conlraclors (construction) 862 312 550 871 1 bcinni þjónustu varnarliðsins sjálfs o. þ. h. in service of Dcfencc Force itself or individual members 1 161 490 671 90 Atvinnugrcin ótilgrcind activity not reportcd 5 227 3 436 1 791 900 Einstaklingar, sem voru ekki skráðir af tcljurum persons nol enumerated by ccnsus tellers 713 478 235 901 Tcljarar virðast liafa vanrækt að tilgreina atvinnugrein tellers omitted to slate activity 1 800 1 325 475 902 Teljarar virðast ekki liafa getað fengið upplýsingar um atvinnugrein tellers could not obtain informalion on kind of activity 102 75 27 903 Atvinnulausir (svo tilgreint á skýrslu) unemployed 1 079 623 456 904 Starfslaust fólk í foreldrahúsum inactive at home 1 533 935 598 91 Óvirkir og framfærðir af þcim alls cconomically inactivc pcrsons and their dcpendenls total 14 036 9 617 4 419 910 Lífcyris- og bótaþegar o. þ. h., eignafólk pensioncrs etc., pcople living on property 9 731 7 219 2 512 911 Fólk á ríkisframfærslu, í vinnuhæluin o. fl. chronically ill patients in hospitals, inmatcs in prisons etc 997 918 79 912 Fjölskyldumeðlimir við heimilisstörf á sveitabýlum family members engaged in domeslic work on farms 155 116 39 913 Fjölskylduineðlimir við heimilisstörf annars staðar family members cngaged in domeslic work elsewhere 1 958 834 1 124 914 Nemendur (og fjölskyldumeðl. nem. erlendis) pupils (and family members of pupils abroad) 1 117 496 621 915 Aðrir othcrs 78 34 44 92 Einstaklingar ót. a. alls pcrsons n. e. c., tolal 1 377 1 377 920 Börn yngri en 15 ára talin virk (sbr. töflu 35) en ekki mcðtalin hér að framan children under 15 years of agc reported as active (comp. table 35) but not countcd as such in this tablc 325 325 921 Aðrir (aðallcga fólk í stofnunum) other (chiefly inmates in instilutions) 1 052 1 052 Manutalið 1960 77 undirgreinum atvinnuvegaflokkunar o. fl. . 1 1 5 í 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 73 4 30 26 7 0 3 4 _ 206 5 50 5 4 15 1 1 - 1 1 - 132 7 36 9 12 18 4 3 3 1 1 2 93 12 21 4 15 9 1 2 - 1 1 1 64 7 385 283 179 1 376 55 369 30 57 25 312 1 068 393 3 136 4 675 1 211 - 41 1 170 8 178 136 56 73 284 22 79 12 4 10 75 362 91 23 16 18 84 7 36 3 4 4 32 73 19 69 38 15 165 9 29 5 4 4 25 220 53 77 - 35 4 4 0 1 - 3 217 _ 16 3 95 0 4 - - - 4 - 24 30 6 9 26 1 2 1 1 - 1 73 7 15 - 11 2 2 0 2 - - “ 32 ~ 32 15 11 41 9 8 6 3 3 5 83 21 48 1 24 4 3 0 - - 3 - 100 2 396 31 258 117 142 18 61 1 81 17 1 177 44 173 4 117 18 89 6 43 - 46 6 542 8 223 27 141 99 53 12 18 1 35 11 635 36 657 156 1 596 1 027 2 236 1 183 657 156 1 579 1 027 1 605 186 92 16 237 133 329 149 92 16 237 133 215 20 149 55 612 509 744 564 149 55 595 509 409 66 13 _ 46 16 59 16 13 _ 46 16 27 - 178 35 284 126 462 161 178 35 284 126 413 43 225 50 417 243 642 293 225 50 417 243 541 57 2 060 650 2 283 4 624 598 245 339 81 259 164 3 086 1 333 1 691 123 1 727 3 678 254 85 137 9 117 76 2 325 187 36 2 418 462 38 3 9 - 29 3 77 2 1 26 2 87 - 22 - 9 - 13 1 38 9 496 4 325 - 81 - 60 - 21 21 1 103 306 3 125 62 296 52 188 3 108 49 618 3 17 - 7 10 10 2 5 - 5 2 44
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Hagskýrslur um manntöl

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