Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Qupperneq 206

Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Qupperneq 206
146 Mannlulið 1960 Tafla 40. Mannfjöldi með sérmenntun eftir próftegund og kyni. Translation of lieadings. 1, 10: males and feinales total. 3-5, 7-9, 11-13, 16-18: see col. 1-3 in table 36. Með sérprúf alls vocational education tolal..................................................... Háskólapróf university dcgree................................................................... Guðfræði theology............................................................................ Lögfræði law................................................................................. Tungumál, málfræði, sagnfræði og skyldar greinar languages, philology, history and rclatcd subjects . Hagfræði, viðskiptafræði, tryggingafr. og skyldar gr. economics, busincss administration, actuarial and relaled subjects....................................................................... Læknisfræði, tannlækningar mcdicine, dentistry .............................................. Allar greinar stærðfræða og náttúruvísinda mathematics, natural scienccs ctc................. Verkfræði, húsagerðarlist, landmælingar engineering, architecture, land surveying............ Lyfjafræði pharmacy ......................................................................... B.A.- próf frá Háskóla Islands B.A.from University of Iccland ............................... Annað (t. d. sálarfræði) og ótilgr. nánar other (e. g. psychology) and nol reported.......... Kennarapróf teacher's training ................................................................. Kennaraskóli Islands Teacher's Training College of Iceland................................... Húsmæðrakennaraskóli íslands Iceland Training School of Domestic Sciencc .................... Handíða- og myndlistaskólinn í Rvík Reykjavík School of Crafts and Art ...................... íþróttakenuaraskóli Islands Iceland Training Collcgc of Physical Education .................. Kennaraskóli erlendis (leikfimi, teikning o. íl.) teachers’ training scliool abroad (pliysical training, dravcing elc.) Annað (t. d. vcfnaðarkennarapróf) og ótilgr. nánar other (e. g. ueaving) and nol rcported........... Tæknipróf, þar með sjómanns- og flugmaunspróf technical education, including marine and air navigation Farmannspróf og fiskimannspróf marinc navigation, mercantile and fishing ........................... Vélskólinn í Rvík Marine Engineering Collcge in Rcykjavík........................................... Loftskeytapróf, símritarapróf ivirclcss, lelcgraphy................................................. Atvinnuflugmannspróf og því skyld próf commercial aircraft pilols................................... Flugvélstjórapróf (ekki flugvirkjar) flight engineers (nol aircrafl maintenancc mcchanics) ......... Tækniskóli erlendis technical collcge abroad ....................................................... Próf frá rafmagnsdcild Vélskólans electric line of Marine Engineering Collegc in Reykjavík.......... Annað og ótilgreint nánar olher and not rcported ................................................... Iðnpróf certificalc of apprenticeship in handicrafts................................................... Ðakaraiðn, kökugerð baking.......................................................................... Bifvélavirkjun, bifrciðasmíði, vagnasmíði car maintenance and repairs, car and ivagon building...... Bókbandsiðn bookbinding ............................................................................ Flugvélavirkjun aircraft maintenancc and repairs.................................................... Húsasmíði carpentry and joinery .................................................................... Húsgagnasmíði, húsgagnabólstrun cabinet making and upholstery....................................... Járniðn hvers konar, blikksmíði iron and ironsheet ivork............................................ Kjötiðn, fiskiðn meat and fish preparing............................................................ Klæðskurður karla og kvenna men’s and womens tailoring ............................................. Málaraiðn, veggfóðrun, dúklagning painting, interior decorating etc................................. Mjólkuriðn dairying................................................................................. Múrun, tcrrazzolagning masonry clc.................................................................. Nctagerð, reiða- og seglasaumur net- and sailmaking................................................. Pípulögn plumbing................................................................................... Prentiðn, offsetiðn, prentmyndaiðn printing, composition etc........................................ Rafmagnsiðn, útvarps- og símvirkjun, skriftvéla\drkjun eleclric installation, maintcnance and repairs of electric. radio and telegraphic equipment, office machinery etc...................................... Vvu'Uu v Manntalið 1960 147 Population with vocational education by type of examination passed and by sex. Allt landið Iccland Reykjavíkurþéttbýli capital etc. u Karlar males Konur females U Karlar males Konur females Karlar og kon alls t/í < Með stúdents- próf C SC '© eð r ÍD g* O *© « 8 S £ I* •c o ir. < Með stúdents- próf §)'© O «5 O fe s ‘u o < Karlar og kor alls < Mcð stúdents- próf C tL'O « £ fc£) O o « tt A £ U 'u o < < tfj fi « "O 'S fj o 5* £ 8 1*3 e- G tl) 'O © ÍS tD g< o o © 8 g £ H *c *© < i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 „—■ 25320 16739 1810 2421 12508 8581 348 1689 6544 14097 9879 1326 1335 7218 4218 277 953 2988 1793 1618 1602 8 8 175 166 4 5 1361 1216 1206 7 3 145 141 2 2 181 180 180 - - 1 1 - 75 74 74 - - 1 1 - - —381 375 375 - - 6 5 1 - 306 300 300 - - 6 5 1 111 101 101 - 10 10 - 98 89 89 - - 9 9 “ - -- 180 175 174 _ 1 5 5 _ _ 159 154 154 - - 5 5 - - 318 293 292 - 1 25 25 - - 213 192 191 - 1 21 21 - - — 70 63 63 - - 7 7 - - 60 53 53 - - 7 7 - 256 255 254 1 - 1 1 - - 227 226 225 1 - 1 1 - 78 51 39 7 5 27 21 2 4 49 33 25 6 2 16 15 - 1 88 44 43 - 1 44 44 - - 69 29 29 - - 40 40 - - 130 81 81 - - 49 47 1 1 105 66 66 - - 39 37 1 1 1712 854 58 240 556 858 104 263 491 900 404 27 96 281 496 76 149 271 1204 645 50 175 420 559 87 126 346 615 297 22 63 212 318 61 64 193 78 _ - - - 78 5 33 40 41 - - - - 41 4 19 18 67 31 1 12 18 36 1 20 15 54 25 1 10 14 29 1 18 10 192 114 2 39 73 78 - 46 32 89 48 - 17 31 41 - 23 18 159 64 5 14 45 95 9 36 50 97 34 4 6 24 63 9 25 29 12 - - - - 12 2 2 8 4 - - - - 4 1 - 3 2827 2802 34 699 2069 25 2 8 15 1797 1779 23 456 1300 18 2 6 10 1306 1301 11 192 1098 5 - 1 4 727 725 7 112 606 2 - 1 1 764 763 - 113 650 1 - - 1 513 512 - 71 441 1 - - 1 324 309 5 216 88 15 - 7 8 235 224 4 150 70 11 5 6 134 134 8 71 55 - - - - 123 123 7 62 54 - - - - 9 9 - 3 6 - - - - 8 8 - 3 5 - - - - 218 214 10 79 125 4 2 - 2 152 148 5 49 94 4 2 - 2 70 70 - 25 45 - - - - 38 38 - 9 29 - - - 2 2 - - 2 - - - - 1 1 - - 1 - - - - 7305 6929 16 882 6031 376 2 60 314 4460 4218 10 485 3723 242 2 39 201 198 196 1 6 189 2 - - 2 110 108 - - 108 2 - 2 508 508 - 71 437 - - - - 297 297 30 267 - - - - 74 69 - 13 56 5 - - 5 59 55 - 10 45 4 - - 4 82 81 1 26 54 1 - 1 - 67 66 1 21 44 1 - 1 - 1512 1507 7 131 1369 5 - 1 4 824 821 5 57 759 3 - - 3 448 447 - 58 389 1 - - 1 291 291 - 31 260 - - - - 1077 1075 2 148 925 2 - 2 - 676 676 1 91 584 - - - 43 41 - 6 35 2 - - 2 26 25 - 4 21 1 - - 1 353 127 - 7 120 226 2 35 189 251 87 - 3 84 164 2 28 134 385 381 - 37 344 4 - - 4 259 256 - 19 237 3 - - 3 34 17 - 3 14 17 - 2 15 12 7 - 2 5 5 - 1 4 394 393 - 31 362 1 - - 1 264 264 - 18 246 - - - 53 53 - 2 51 - - - - 17 17 - 1 16 - - 182 181 - 16 165 1 - - 1 132 132 - 10 122 - - 364 360 1 61 298 4 - 1 3 301 299 - 44 255 2 - 1 1 772 768 3 187 578 4 - 2 2 466 465 2 109 354 1 - 1 -
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Hagskýrslur um manntöl

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