Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Page 208

Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Page 208
148 Manntalið 1960 Tafla 40 (frh.). Mannfjöldi með sérmenntun Skipa- og bátasmíði ship building..................................................................... Skósmíði, sútaraiðn, leðuriðngreinar shoemaking, tanncry etc.......................................... Aðrar iðngreinar (þó ekki þjónustustarfsiðngr.) other handicrafts (excl. hygienic and personal scrviccs etc.) Ótilgreint nánar nol rcported ........................................................................ Verzlunarpróf commerce.................................................................................. Verzlunarháskóli erlendis commercial college abroad................................................... Verzlunarskóli Islands Commercial School of Iceíand................................................... Samvinnuskólinn Cooperative School.................................................................... Verzlunarskóli erlendis commercial school abroad ..................................................... Endurskoðunarpróf accountancy ........................................................................ ,,Translatör“ -próf og próf löggilts skjalaþýðanda translator education .............................. Annað og ótilgreint nánar other and not reported ..................................................... Búnaðarpróf agriculture................................................................................. Búnaðarháskóli agricultural college .................................................................. Dýralækningar veterinary college ..................................................................... Mjólkurfræði dairying school ......................................................................... Ðúnaðarskóli innlendur agricultural school in Iceland ................................................ Garðyrkjuskóli Islands Horlicultural School of Iceland ............................................... Búnaðarskóli erlendur agricultural school abroad ..................................................... Garðyrkjuskóli erlendur horticultural school abroad .................................................. Skógrækt forestry..................................................................................... Annað og ótilgreint nánar other and not reported ..................................................... Þjónustustarfspróf hygienic and personal scrvices etc................................................... Hjúkrunarskóli Islands Icelandic Statc School of Nursing*) ........................................... Ljósmæðraskóli Islands Icelandic State School for Midwives*).......................................... Fóstruskóli Sumargjafar Schoolfor Nursery School Tcachers*) .......................................... Matsveina- og veitingaþjónaskólinn Restaurant and Holel School*)...................................... Hárskcra- og hárgreiðsluiðn, snyrting, nudd hairdressing, toilette, massage .......................... Tannsmiði dental technique............................................................................ Ljósmyndun photography ............................................................................... Ursmíði, leturgröftur watchmaking, engraving.......................................................... Önnur próf, tckin erlendis other skills acquired abroad............................................... Annað og ótilgreint nánar other and not reportcd ..................................................... Húsmæðraskólapróf domestic science...................................................................... Húsmæðraskólar innlendir domestic science school in Iceland........................................... Húsmæðraskólar erlendir domcstic science schooi abroad ............................................... Listapróf fine arts .................................................................................... Höggmyndalist sculpturc .............................................................................. Málaralist painting................................................................................... Tónlistarskólinn í Rvík (aðcins fullnaðarpróf) Reykjavík Music College (only thosc who have passed fmal examinations) ...................................................................................... Tónlist, sönglist, erlent próf music, singing, abroad................................................. Leikskóli Þjóðleikhússins National Theatre School of Dramatic Art .................................... Leiklistarpróf, erlent dramatic art training abroad .................................................. Listdanspróf o. þ. h. ballet etc...................................................................... Auglýsingateiknun, skreytilist o. þ. h. advertising design, decoration ctc............................ Annað og ótilgreint nánar other and not reported ..................................................... *) og hliðstæð próf erlendis and corresponding education abroad Manntalið 1960 149 eftir próftegund og kyni. Allt landið Iceland 1 Karlar males Konur females 2 3 4 5 6 7 í 8 9 214 210 21 189 4 4 140 137 - 7 130 3 - - 3 119 110 1 17 92 9 - 2 7 353 268 - 34 234 85 - 14 71 3123 2095 24 305 1766 1028 15 158 855 7 6 5 - 1 1 1 - - 1763 1098 1 91 1006 665 1 46 618 900 720 1 153 566 180 1 44 135 410 236 13 53 170 174 8 67 99 24 24 2 4 18 - - - - 12 8 2 4 2 4 3 - 1 7 3 - - 3 4 1 1 2 1847 1819 55 176 1588 28 1 5 22 57 57 29 5 23 - - - - 16 15 13 2 - 1 1 - - 52 51 2 8 41 1 - - 1 1528 1526 6 119 1401 2 - - 2 104 87 - 17 70 17 - 3 14 44 42 - 12 30 2 - - 2 29 24 2 7 15 5 - 2 3 2 2 - - 2 - - - - 15 15 3 6 6 - - - - 1966 463 4 68 391 1503 29 394 1080 551 4 - 1 3 547 15 191 341 399 1 - - 1 398 1 33 364 79 - - - - 79 3 41 35 227 211 - 21 190 16 - 2 14 456 117 - 13 104 339 1 72 266 56 6 1 3 2 50 1 23 26 72 44 1 16 27 28 - 10 18 57 56 - 7 49 1 - - 1 62 20 1 6 13 42 8 20 14 7 4 1 1 2 3 - 2 1 4472 14 2 - 12 4458 21 742 3695 4260 14 2 - 12 4246 16 644 3586 212 - - - - 212 5 98 109 275 145 15 43 87 130 8 55 67 4 3 - 1 2 1 - - 1 20 16 - 4 12 4 4 81 37 5 11 21 44 _ 22 22 65 42 2 7 33 23 1 4 18 23 10 2 3 5 13 1 8 4 25 14 4 7 3 11 4 3 4 6 2 - - 2 4 - 1 3 46 18 2 8 8 28 1 16 11 5 3 - 2 1 2 1 1 - Reykjavíkurþéttbýli capital elc. Karlar males Konur females 10 | 11 ; 12 | 13 14 1 15 j 16 j 17 | 18 79 77 - 7 70 2 - - 2 84 82 - 4 78 2 - _ 2 94 86 1 14 71 8 - 2 6 151 107 - 10 97 44 - 5 39 2249 1431 18 171 1242 818 14 106 698 4 3 3 - - 1 1 - _ 1373 821 - 51 770 552 - 27 525 521 398 1 72 325 123 1 28 94 312 178 11 41 126 134 8 50 76 24 24 2 4 18 - - - _ 9 5 1 3 1 4 3 - 1 6 2 - - 2 4 1 1 2 393 381 24 41 316 12 1 3 8 21 21 14 - 7 - - - - 5 4 3 1 - 1 1 - _ 15 14 2 - 12 1 - - 1 283 282 2 26 254 1 - - 1 32 26 - 7 19 6 - 2 4 18 17 - 3 14 1 - - 1 13 1 11 1 1 2 8 1 2 - 1 1 1 5 1 5 2 2 1 1 _ _ _ _ 1251 319 2 42 275 932 20 275 637 360 4 - 1 3 356 11 124 221 145 1 - - 1 144 - 18 126 67 - - - - 67 2 34 31 166 150 - 14 136 16 - 2 14 332 76 - 7 69 256 - 55 201 43 4 - 2 2 39 1 16 22 43 25 - 9 16 18 - 8 10 44 43 - 4 39 1 - - 1 46 13 1 4 8 33 6 16 11 5 3 1 1 1 2 - 2 _ 1462 5 1 - 4 1457 14 330 1113 1334 5 1 - 4 1329 9 266 1054 128 - - - - 128 5 64 59 224 126 15 37 74 98 7 43 48 4 3 - 1 2 1 - - 1 17 13 - 4 9 4 - - 4 60 30 5 7 18 30 _ 15 15 52 36 2 6 28 16 - 4 12 22 10 2 3 5 12 1 7 4 21 14 4 7 3 7 4 1 2 5 1 - - 1 4 - 1 3 38 16 2 7 7 22 1 14 7 5 3 - 2 1 2 1 1 -
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Hagskýrslur um manntöl

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