Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Page 241
Manntalið 1960
Tafla 51. Fólk — þó ekki húsbændur — í öllum sambýlisheimilum, 15 ára
og eldra og á eigin framfæri, eftir heimilisstöðu, tegund lieimilis,
þjóðfélagsstöðu o. fl.
Persons — except heads of household — in all multi-person households, over 15 years of age
and self-supporting, by status in household, type of household, socio-economic category etc.
For translation of lines indicating type of house- o U Cð c •—i
hold (2, 3 etc. beloiv) see table 48. Alls lotal Bændur Annað fólk búrekstur Fiskiinenn fl '3 > C d .2 • > 'O Einyrkjar ót Forstöðumen forstjórar Fólk við ólíkamlcg stö Verkafólk Atvinna ótilgreind Starfslausir
i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Allt landið Iceland 25105 958 2709 1791 60 372 52 4072 8639 2473 3979
Karlar males:
A Staða á heimili status in liousehold . . 14436 887 1977 1779 37 301 44 1227 5195 1412 1577
Börn children 9424 412 1305 1434 17 162 25 888 3850 1057 274
Foreldrar parents 1386 106 101 24 3 23 5 55 188 27 854
Systkini brothers and sisters 1447 273 132 151 8 49 3 94 457 138 142
Aðrir ættingjar other rclatives 251 28 42 18 1 6 - 11 76 14 55
Hjú resident cmployees 421 11 366 3 - _ - 1 15 8 17
Mötunautar boarders 1507 57 31 149 8 61 11 178 609 168 235
Þar af með fólk á framfæri of this
supporters 1163 133 100 92 1 24 3 72 297 42 399
Böm 574 62 33 80 _ 16 2 49 213 27 92
Foreldrar 522 61 59 7 1 5 - 17 61 11 300
Systkin 24 5 - 2 - 2 - 4 6 3 2
11 10 1 2 1 7 6 3
Hjú .7 _ _ _ _ _ i -
Mötunautar 22 2 - 3 1 1 2 10 1 2
B Tegund heimilis type of household:
2 Einn fjölsk.kj., barnlaus lijón 330 22 52 15 2 9 - 28 96 21 85
Foreldrar 45 1 _ - _ 2 - 3 6 1 32
Systkin 86 14 9 5 _ _ - 8 28 6 16
Aðrir ættingjar 22 2 5 - 1 - - 2 2 - 10
Hjú 44 2 38 _ - - _ - 2 1 1
Mötunautar 133 3 - 10 1 7 - 15 58 13 26
3 Einn fjölsk.kj., hjón með börn .... 8938 398 1320 1184 16 158 25 748 3402 936 751
Börn 6752 250 995 1027 9 109 16 614 2811 790 131
Foreldrar 686 36 42 15 1 11 4 26 109 12 430
Systkin 514 69 47 67 3 13 - 35 179 55 46
Aðrir ættingjar 98 9 17 8 - 3 - 1 34 2 24
Hjú 230 6 200 1 - - - 1 8 5 9
Mötunautar 658 28 19 66 3 22 5 71 261 72 111
4 Einn fjölsk.kj., foreldri með börn .. 1725 107 166 200 6 45 7 199 656 170 169
Börn 1202 52 122 160 3 24 6 161 499 139 36
Foreldrar 113 4 5 2 - 2 - 7 5 1 87
Translation of socio-economic classification in headings of table 51: 1: farmers. 2: agricultural
workers. 3: fisliermen. 4: employers n. e. s. 5: own account workers n. e. s. 6: directors, managers.
7: non-raanual workers. 8: manual workers. 9: not reported. 10: not economically activc.