Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Side 267
Manntalið 1960
Ensk þýðing á starfstöðuflokkun í töflum 18, 26, 27, 33, 38, 39.
English translation of occupational classification in tables 18, 26, 27, 33, 38, 39.
Starfsstöðuflokkun Hagstofunnar er að mestu í samræmi við hina alþjóðlegu starfsstöðuskrá
Alþjóða vinnumálastofnunarinnar the Icelandic occupational classification is ivith few exceptions in
conformity with the ISCO-classification of the International Lahour Office.
Ein tákntala one digit: flokkur major group.
Tvær tákntölur tow digits: aðalgrein minor group.
Þrjár tákntölur three digits: undirgrein unit group.
0 Professional, technical and related workcrs.
00 Architects, enginecrs and surveyors.
001 Architects.
002 Civil engineers.
003 Electrical engineers.
004 Telecommunication engineers.
005 Mechanical engineers.
006 Chemical engineers.
007 Engineers, other.
008 Surveyors.
01 Chemists, physicists and related scientists.
011 Chemists.
012 Physicists.
017 Geologists.
018 Meteorologists.
02 Veterinarians, agronomists ctc.
021 Veterinarians.
022 Biologists, ichthyologists, botanists etc.
023 Agronomists, horticultural scientists.
03 Physicians, surgeons and dentists.
031 Physicians, surgeons.
032 Dentists.
04 Nurses and midwives.
041 Nurses, professional.
042 Midwives.
049 Nurses n. e. c. (incl. student nurses).
05 Professional medical ivorkers n. e. c., etc.
051 Pharmacists.
053 Physiotherapists, masseurs, etc.
059 Health inspectors, and other n. e. c.
06 Teachers.
061 University teachers.
062 Nursery school teachers.
063 Primary school teachers.
064 Secondary school teachers.
065 Special teachers (sports, music, arts, craft).
066 Technical instructors.
069 Teachers n. e. c.
07 Clergy^ other religious workcrs.
071 Bishop, clergymen, congregation leaders,
missionaries etc.
079 Religious workers n. e. c.
08 Jurists.
081 Judges and related public officials, and
tlieir assisting lawyers.
082 Solicitors, barristers, and their assisting
083 Jurists employed by government depart-
ments and by public and private enterprises.
09 Artists, writers and related creative artists.
091 Painters (creativc), sculptors.
092 Commercial artists.
093 Display artists.
094 Authors.
095 Editors, reporters.
096 Actors, dancers, singers etc.
097 Composers, musicians.
099 Otlier n. e. c.
0X Science and engineering technicians n. e. c.
0X1 Draughtsmen.
0X9 Laboratory technicians.
OYOtherprofessional, technical and related workers.
0Y1 Accountants, chartered and other.
0Y2 Social workers.
0Y3 Librarians and arcliivists.
0Y4 Economists, actuaries, statisticians.
0Y5 Other n. e. c. (e. g. psychologists, educa-
1 Administrative, executive and managerial
10 Administrative and executive officials,
101 Administrators and executive officials,
central government.
102 Administrators and executive officials,
local government.
11 Directors and managers.
111 Directors and managers, manufacturing,
contruction etc.
112 Directors and managers, wholesale and
retail trade.
113 Directors and managers, finance, insurance.
114 Directors and managers, transport, storage,
115 Directors and managers, service industries.
118 Directors and managers, fishing.
119 Directors and managers n. e. c.