Hagskýrslur um manntöl - 01.01.1969, Qupperneq 268
Manntalið 1960
2 Clerical workers.
20 Book-keepers and cashiers.
201 Book-keepers.
202 Casliiers.
21 Stenographers and typists.
29 Other clerical ivorkers.
291 Office-macliine operators.
298 Clerical workers, monetary institutions,
299 Clerical workers n. e. c.
3 Sales workers.
30 Working proprietors, wholesale and
retail trade.
301 Working proprietors, wholesale trade.
302 Working proprietors, retail trade.
31 Real estate salesmen elc.
311 Real estate salesmen, salesmen of securites
312 Appraisers. #
32 Commercial agents.
33 Other sales workers.
331 Salesmen, wholesale and manufacturing.
332 Heads of retail stores and departments.
333 Shop assistants, retail etc.
334 Street vendors, newspaper vendors etc.
338 Gasoline-station attendants.
339 Other, n. e. c.
4- Agricultural workers.
40 Farmers andfarm managers.
401 Farmers, general.
402 Farm managers, general.
403 Farmers and farm managers, market
404 Farmers and farm managers, poultry,
fur-bearing animals.
41 Farm labourers.
411 Farmers’ children.
412 Farm labourers, other.
414 Transient farm labourers.
415 Family workers, farmers’ wives.
416 Family workers, farmers’ children.
417 Farm liands, cattle.
418 Greenhouse workers, gardeners etc.
42 Hunters.
44 Forestry workers.
5 Fishermcn and rclated workers.
50 Fishermen.
501 Captains, mates, fishing vessels.
502 Eugineers, fishing vessels.
503 Deck hands.
504 Crew members ashore.
507 Engine mechanics, firemen.
509 Fishermen n. e. c. (seal, salmon, trout etc.).
6 Workers in transport and communication
60 Deck officers, engineers, pilots (excl.
fishing vessels).
601 Captains, mates.
602 Pilots (sliip).
603 Engineers.
61 Deck and engine-room ratings (excl.
fishing vessels).
611 Deck hands, boatswains etc.
612 Engine mechanics, firemen, oilers etc.
62 Aircraft pilots and flight engincers.
64 Drivers, road transport.
641 Drivers of motorised vehicles (incl. bus
643 Drivers propelling thcir vehicles, etc.
66 Traffic controllers, inspectors elc.
661 Air traffic controllers and flight operations
662 Airport attendants n. e. c.
664 Motor bus and taxi service attendants
(excl. drivers).
67 Pos/, lelephone and telegraph workers.
671 Telephone and telegraph operators (incl.
switchboard operators).
672 Telephone and postal clerks.
673 Radio operators (ship etc.), flight
674 Radio broadcasting workers.
68 Postmen and messengers etc.
681 Postmen.
682 Messengers.
683 Collectors.
69 Workers in transport and communicalion n. e. c.
699 Lighthouse operators etc.