Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 57
Making up the hours
Issues in pre-registration children's nursing education
23. júní 2005
Netfang: paediatrieeducation@rcn.org.uk
15th Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics
20.-23. júlí 2005
Baltimore, Bandaríkjunum
Heimasíöa: nursing.umaryland.edu/informatics
13th Biennial International School Nurse Conference
Tomorrows World: Our youth, a global issue
Edinborg, Skotlandi
25.-29. júlí 2005
Netfang: garth.haliday@oasisevents.co.uk
Medicines for all - A human right
Kairó, Egyptalandi
3. -8. september 2005
Heimasíða: www.fip.org/cairo2005
2005 World health congress
Kairó, Egyptalandi
4. -8. september
Heimasíöa: www.medical-design.net/menthalhealth2005
3rd International and 1 Oth national nursing congress
Izmir, Tyrklandi
7.-10. september 2005
Heimasíða: hemsirelikkongresi2005.com
EDTNA/ERCA 34th International Conference
Bridging the gap between patient and technology
Vín, Austurríki
10.-13. september 2005
Heimasíða: edtna-erca.org
Reuma 2005
Þverfagleg norræn ráðstefna
Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku
14. -17. september 2005
Heimasíða: www.conference-future.dk
Erfarenhetsbaserad kunskap
- vad ar det och hur varderar vi den?
Stokkhólmi, Svíþjóð
15. september 2005
Netfang: ubi@swenurse.se
Complementary therapy practice:
Independence not isolation
16. -17. september 2005
Livskvalitet for born
Kaupmannahöfn, Danmörku
3.-4. október 2005
Netfang: annemarielundhusefs10.dk
The 8th Nordic Public Health Conference
Reykjavík, íslandi
9.-11. október 2005
Heimasíða: www.congress.is/NPH2005
Nursing Management Congress
9.-12. október 2005
Orlando, Flórída
Heimasíða: www.nmcongress.com
2nd Biennial International Nursing
Research Conference
Caring: The Journey of Nursing Science
13.-14. október 2005
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Kanada
Netfang: CWoychuk@deerlodge.mb.ca
Dublin, írlandi
25.-28. mai 2006
Heimasíða: www.eornac.com
8th World Congress for Nurse Anesthetilists
Lausanne, Sviss
10. -13. júní 2006
9th International Congress on Nursing Informatics
„Consumer-centered, Computer-supported Care
for Healthy People"
Seúl, Kóreu
11. -14. júní 2006
Heimasiöa: www.ni2006.org
8th Quadrennial Congress of Neuroscience
30. maí-2. júní 2007
Netfang: ingibjok@landspitali.is
Nánari upplýsingar um ráðstefnurnar er að fá á skrifstofu
Félags íslenskra hjúkrunarfræðinga, Suðurlandsbraut 22,
sími 540 6400.
Tímarit hjúkrunarfræöinga 2. tbl. 81. árg. 2005!