Jökull - 01.01.2004, Síða 61
Paleomagnetic directions in the Tjörnes beds, Northern Iceland
Table 1. Mean paleomagnetic directions and intensities in samples from 31 sites in Tjörnes. n = number of
samples used in averaging; decl., incl. = declination and inclination of mean field; long., lat. = longitude and
latitude of virtual geomagnetic pole; alf = 95% confidence angle for the mean field, degrees; J100 = intensity
of remanence after 10 mT AF demagnetization, A/m; pol. = polarity: N = normal, R= reverse, T = transitional.
* indicates that alf exceeds 20◦. – Segulstefnur, staðsetning sýndarsegulskauta, og styrkur segulmögnunar á 31
stað í Tjörneslögunum.
Site n decl. incl. long. lat. alf J100 pol. pos.
SA Skeifá, north of the stream (going down)
SA 1 6 Four R, two N >60 0.80 R? lava
SA 2 4 198 -73 284 -79 14 0.14 R 11 1)
SA 3 4 172 -73 12 -81 13 0.08 R
SA 4 5 219 -75 249 -72 11 0.13 R
SA 5 6 357 +73 175 +82 22 0.07 N*
SA 6 4 347 +71 199 +78 13 0.18 N
SA 7 4 357 +69 171 +76 16 0.07 N
SA 8 4 Scattered >60 0.09 ?
SA 9 4 199 -40 319 -45 26 0.12 R* 14
HM Mouth of the Hallbjarnarstaðaá stream
HM 1 4 Scattered N/NT >60 0.11 N? 11/21
HM 2 2 Two N, two R >60 0.10 ? 12/2
HM 3 5 325 +57 215 +55 31 0.08 N* 13/2
HM 4 4 Scattered >60 0.06 N? 13/4
HM 5 4 7 +66 147 +72 22 0.10 N 14/2
HM 6 4 280 +53 259 +35 46 0.07 NT* 14/6
HM 7 4 319 +49 218 +46 40 0.08 N* 14/8
HM 8 4 359 +70 164 +78 10 0.07 N 15/2
HM 9 4 286 +53 253 +37 30 0.05 NT* 16/2-3
HM10 5 315 +64 234 +59 28 0.08 N* 17/1-2
KG Kambsgjá gully
KG 1 5 338 +79 275 +81 5 0.11 N 18/2
KG 2 4 353 +60 175 +65 22 0.04 N* 19/2-3
KG 3 4 Scattered, weak >60 0.03 ? 19/3
KG 4 4 318 +55 223 +51 25 0.11 N* 20 ?
HK Beach at Hallbjarnarstaðakambur
HK 1 4 145 +86 352 +59 12 0.14 N 22
HK 2 4 309 +62 239 +54 32 0.05 N* 23
HK 3 4 294 +49 244 +36 43 0.02 NT* G
HK 4 5 305 +72 261 +63 28 0.04 N* H
HK 5 5 240 -75 235 -64 7 0.08 R I
HV Höskuldsvík inlet
HV 1 5 Scattered, unstable >60 0.04 ? 24/2
HV 2 5 200 -77 247 -82 17 0.06 R J/2 ?
HV 3 4 Scattered, weak >60 0.02 T? 25/2
JÖKULL No. 54 61