Fréttablaðið - 25.04.2020, Blaðsíða 31

Fréttablaðið - 25.04.2020, Blaðsíða 31
 Sviðsstjóri atvinnu- og byggðaþróunar á Húsavík Capacent — leiðir til árangurs Samtök sveitarfélaga og atvinnuþróunar á Norðurlandi eystra eru landshlutasamtök sveitarfélaga á svæðinu frá Fjallabyggð að vestan að Langanesbyggð að austan, að báðum sveitarfélögum meðtöldum. Markmið með starfsemi félagsins er að efla Norðurland eystra sem eftirsótt svæði til búsetu og atvinnu. Félagið skal vera sterkur bakhjarl aðildarsveitarfélaga í sameiginlegum málum þeirra og stuðla að góðu mannlífi, lifandi menningarlífi og öflugri atvinnustarfsemi á starfssvæðinu. Upplýsingar og umsókn Menntunar- og hæfniskröfur: Háskólapróf sem nýtist í starfi (BA, BS, B.ed eða sambærilegt). Þekking og/eða reynsla á sviði atvinnuþróunar og nýsköpunar. Reynsla af stefnumótunarvinnu og innleiðingu stefnu er æskileg. Þekking á opinberri stjórnsýslu/málefnum sveitarfélaga er æskileg. Reynsla af stjórnun er æskileg. Góð hæfni í mannlegum samskiptum. · · · · · · · · · · · · Umsóknarfrestur 10. maí Starfs- og ábyrgðarsvið: Leiðir faglega vinnu á sviði atvinnu- og byggðaþróunar á Norðurlandi eystra. Tryggir samþættingu við aðra mikilvæga snertifleti s.s. nýsköpun og menningu. Stefnumótunarvinna, skipulagning og verkefnastýring. Þátttaka í kostnaðargreiningu verkefna. Samskipti og samstarf við hagaðila. Styður við samstarf hagaðila á svæðinu. Önnur verkefni í samráði við framkvæmdastjóra. Samtök sveitarfélaga og atvinnuþróunar á Norðurlandi eystra, SSNE óska eftir að ráða drífandi einstakling í starf sviðsstjóra atvinnu- og byggðaþróunar í starfsstöð sína á Húsavík. Um er að ræða nýtt og spennandi starf sem gefur réttum aðila tækifæri til að taka þátt í uppbyggingu og þróun á svæðinu. QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDE • Leadership skills with ability to work independently and build strong working relationships. • Driven, with an entrepreneurial spirit, creative mind and strong sense of urgency. • Strong analytical skills, strategically minded and goal oriented. You are a thinker AND a doer. • Excellent verbal and written communications skills in English. • Extremely organized, detail-oriented with a high level of integrity. • A B.Sc. degree is required or equivalent experience. A minimum of 8 years of multi-faceted but relevant experience is required; 9 to 11 years is preferred. RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE • Developing, leading and managing budget for reputation to revenue programs. • Working closely with teams such as Content, Marketing Automation, Web and Analytics, Social Media and Paid Media specialists on the day to day execution of the programs. • Living and breathing data across several digital platforms, create personalized audience segments and lead multiple online journeys from concept and strategy through execution, measurement and optimization. • Proactively identify and deliver best-in-class cross-platform experiences and content ideas to drive growth opportunities Note that this role requires some travel and ability to work flexible hours. All applications, CV and cover letter should be delivered in English. Visit to apply and find out more information. Join a diverse global team as the Integrated Marketing Strategist for Revenue Marketing. This role is responsible for developing and leading innovative and comprehensive programs targeted at influencing NetApp’s reputation with prospects. Influencing NetApp’s perception in the global market through integrated cloud-led program activities and simultaneously developing the capability to directly link these efforts to revenue generation outcomes. You are solution-oriented and a creative leader with the ability to connect marketing strategies to business objectives, finding ways to strategically and creatively communicate value propositions to target audiences. We are looking for a self-motivated, results-oriented strategist to take our marketing efforts to the next level. If you thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment with competing priorities, this may be your next venture. Unique opportunity to directly impact NetApp’s position in the cloud market globally from our office in Iceland Participate in the employee stock purchase program International travel and global connections Competitive salaries and bonuses Take advantage of 5 volunteer days each year We hire talented people and support them to do what they do best. We take pride in offering an exciting and innovative workplace, with opportunities to grow. Looking after our people is an important part to how we do business. NetApp is an American Tech company ranked in the Fortune 500 since 2012 Integrated Marketing Strategist netapp_half_page_01.0.indd 9 24/04/2020 13:40
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