Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1979, Side 51

Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir - 01.03.1979, Side 51
ÍSL. LANDBÚN. j. agr. res. icel. 1979 11, 1-2: 49-54 The inoculation of Lupinus Nootkatensis Donn. with Rhizobium Lupini in Iceland tjrUÐNi Harðarson and D. Gareth Jones Department of Agricultural Botany, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DD. ABSTRACT The inoculation of Lupinus nootkatensis with strains of Rhizobium lupini was investigated in a laboratory experiment at Aberystwyth and in field trials at Keldnaholt, Gunnarsholt and Skógarsandur in Iceland. In the laboratory, strain 3211 from Rothamsted was significantly more eífective in nitrogen fixation than the other inoculants. In the field trials, strain 3211 produced significantly more numbers ofnodules than the other Rhizobium strains. This successful nodulation by 3211 was reflected in the higher yield oflupin plants inoculated by this strain, in fact, nearly 3 times greater yield oflupin plants inoculated by this strain, in fact, nearly 3 times greater yield compared with the uninoculated control. It seems therefore that the lack of suitable Rhizobium bacteria in the soil is the main limiting factor for the successful cultivation of lupin in Iceland. The potential value of lupin as a pioneer crop in reclamation in Iceland is discussed. INTRODUCTION The loss of vegetation and soil is a serious threat to Iceland’s natural environment. 1100 years ago at the beginning of sett- lement, probably V2 to 3/s of the country was covered with vegetation (Einarsson, 1962, 1963) compared with less than V4 of the country now. Wind erosion is the main cause of this loss, but volcanic activities and overgrazing also add to this deterior- ation. Despite considerable reclamation in the last few decades, annual loss ofveg- etation and soil still exceeds the area which is regrown naturally or by man. Various research projects are now be- ing conducted to fmd out the carrying capacity of the rangelands. (Thor- steinsson. 1972). These projects have mainly included classiíication and mapping of the vegetation, as well as stu- dies of the botanical composition, pro- ductivity and nutritive value of the veget- ation. Preliminary study has shown that it is possible to increase the carrying capacity of the range lands 10-15 fold by fertilizing and draining the soils (Thorsteinsson, 1972), but the increase in the cost of nit- rogen fertilizers, between 1972 and 1974 has become the limiting factor for it’s use on the range lands. An alternative to nit- 4
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Íslenskar landbúnaðarrannsóknir

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